Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

3 Tough Bucketeers Braggin Rights


RPM, SATORI, and ROOSTER57 were overheard while sitting around the cam (p) fire at a recent Bucket Convention. Being bored the conversation progressed to tall tales and how tough they were.

RPM started by sayin, "Well, last time I was at the strip, halfway down the run, my bucket flipped and I slid on my head at 135mph. When it finally came to a stop, I jumped up with both my legs broken and pushed it across the finish line."

SATORI, never to be out done, said, "That's nothing, I just got off the starting line, against Bernstein and when I started to shift into second, someone had tied a angry rattlesnake to my shifter. I had to reach over and bite its head off so I could finish the race. I still had its head in my mouth when I finished crossed the finish line.

They both new they had been outdone, when they looked over at ROOSTER57, who said nothing, but just kept stirring the coals, with the end of his "Fred".
That Rooster's one hell of a man!!!!! :)

I wonder if he was doing the famous CHICKEN DANCE
As i remember it it was Fred stiring the Coals. No rooster in his right mind would get that close to a campfire with RPM he would whip out his frying pan and you know what happens next .

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