Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Anyone used a Class Glass Perf. widened roadster body?


I am beginning my first T build soon and am going to use this body (unless something I like better falls into my lap). I can't tell if there's a bottom lip from the pictures on the website:
dubya x 3 dot classglassperformance dot com, then select the 27 Ford Roadster link

I "know" (I think!) how I am going to do part of the mounting, but any real-life experience would be greatly appreciated!

I spoke w/ the folks at Class Glass - there is no lip, but he did send me pictures of a really neat way to mount it - connecting pieces of fiberglass u-channel fence posts. Amazon sells a 6 ft post for $16... Was also impressed with their shipping company charges - $330 to a residence in Oklahoma (from Maryland) - $226 to a business w/ a dock
I considered buying their body, but the wanted $900 to get it to the westcoast. They must of lost a lot of sales because they couldn't get their product reasonably shipped. glad they got that worked out.

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