Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Forum Statistics - 27 April

SNOIKEYS!!!:eek: We really ARE an army! It's so cool to see how great this site is doing and even more so having been here when it was in it's infancy. Great job everyone who came, saw and stayed. Webmaster and Mike, a GREAT BIG THANKS for giving us a nice, clean place to play!:lol:
Cool we're growing :cool:
The final numbers for the month saw us over 1,100,000 hits.

I've attached some graphics that will show you some of the traffic statistics over the last month. The actual numbers have been cropped, as those are a metric for internal use only, but you can see from the graphs how things have been happening around here.

The first graph will show you the monthly growth, since the first of the year.

The second will show you the activity for each day of the month.

The third will show you the activity for days of the week.

The fourth will show you the activity for the hours of the day.

As I sat in the accountant's office yesterday, he had to visit this site to see it for himself. He was amazed a forum in such a small niche could see traffic and activity like this one sees. Frankly, there are days when I am pretty amazed myself. ;)
Webmaster said:
...As I sat in the accountant's office yesterday, he had to visit this site to see it for himself. He was amazed a forum in such a small niche could see traffic and activity like this one sees...

A small but very passionate lot of folks... It takes a different breed of hot rodder to love these cars... and that's all I have to say 'bout that!
Looks like lots of people here instead of sleeping....
Track-T said:
Looks like lots of people here instead of sleeping....
Sleep is overrated, I did that a lot as a kid. :)
I heard a phrase yesterday I like....."Plenty of time to sleep when you die"..

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