Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

New old Guy

Tad Palmer

New Member
Hey everybody, Iam building aT Bucket as money allows CCR frame plans, S-10 rearend 350 engine 350 trans. Found a glass body out of a mud bogger for less than shipping on a new one. glassed a plywood floor in ,have glassed wood in body to stiffen it up.Amtrying to figure out best way to do seat. I am a carpenter ,I have never built a car before .I have got tons of Info and ideas off of this site, Ihope to have car running by summer Thanks everybody.
Welcome Back Tad
Welcome to the group Tad, were looking forward to seeing some pictures of your work in progress
Welcome Ted. I am also new to the site and it looks like all the resources one would need is here to build a T Bucket. Keep us posted with pics.
welcome to the site tad. let us know if we can help.

Welcome Tad, I bet Youngster can help you with the seat ideas. He has all the angles figured out.


As for the seat... I wanted to use the space under the seat for fuel so I actually had some storage room in the back...

Made (by good friend) SS tank

A view of the back... lots of space for a t-bucket!

Then I made a template and foundation for the seat and sent a templete of it to car-line to custom make a seat spring...

as you can see, they built it to spec... Car-Line Mfg. Beaumont, Texas (Ph: 409-833-9757)


Finished product


Now I'm not saying this is the way to do it, just sharing how I did it so you might get some ideas... I later learned from Ron (Youngster) that:

"The back rest should be 120 degrees off of the floor. The length of the back cushion should be around 18". The seat bottom should be 15 degrees off of the floor and about 15" long. In the manufacture of chairs, this is called the comfort zone."
Welcome to the site!!! Nice work on the interior there LumenAl!!!

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