Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Yikes! I Almost Cut The End Of My Thumb Off!


New Member
Sometimes I can't believe how dumb I am. :confused:

Whittling away on the band saw this morning, all excited about my project and OPPS! My wife screams at me on the way to the ER, "Don't think for one seconded this exempts you from washing the dishes!?" She always gets mad at me when I scare her. :eek:

I'm down for a couple of days for sure. Nothing too serious, just a wake up call. The two most important things we pay with in this world of ours is money and our attention. Even Something as simple as crossing the street can get you KILLED if your not paying attention.

Been there done that.

Once with a hand saw, cutting a 2x4. The saw jumped off the 2x4 and right on one of my toes. Not good, still got the toe.

Another time I was working on one of my trailers and the pins which holds the tounge in place (because its a tilt bed trailer) came out. Dropping the 200 lb tounge from about 4' high right on my big toe. In a cast for 4 months and re hab another 3 months, + they could only give me two stitches. As the rest of my big toe area was too mangled to stitch.

Just yesterday while working on my build. I was swinging a 3lb hammer to knock off the spring perch. After I was cutting it with my plasma and bamm. The hammer just wanted to meet my shin, blood everywhere.

I now wear steel toe shoes (when I remember to), and next time I'll just use the plasma a little longer. So, I wouldn't have to take such a big swing at whatever I'm trying to remove.

Hey, we need a brain fart thread. Going to start one.
Glad its not serious and you'll be fine. This is one post where pics are NOT required. Good lesson in paying attention though.
First lesson in machinist school was. These machines hate you and will hurt you. Think ahead of what could possibly happen because it probably will.

Like the guy drilling sheet metal in a drill press and it was not clamped down. Takes too long to clamp it down right, just gotta make a quick hole. Well the drill bit hung up ripped the part from his hand and like a big weed eatter went to work on his belly.

Glad you are not hurt too bad. Please be carefull.
RPM said:
First lesson in machinist school was. These machines hate you and will hurt you. Think ahead of what could possibly happen because it probably will.

Like the guy drilling sheet metal in a drill press and it was not clamped down. Takes too long to clamp it down right, just gotta make a quick hole. Well the drill bit hung up ripped the part from his hand and like a big weed eatter went to work on his belly.

Glad you are not hurt too bad. Please be carefull.

Thanks Ron. I was debating whether or not I should even share what happened. It's embarrassing. I've been at this way too long and I already know better. I think that's why it surprised me so much!

On of my customers has a sign on his mill that says "This Machine does Not have a brain you will need to use yours" I like it .
That's the only problem with doing what we do. You get in the shop and get comfortable doing what you are doing and BAM! You get bit. Glad it wasn't worse you'll be back to those dishes in no time.:lol:
Yep, got a good chunk of meat missing from my left thumb thanks to a table saw and a lack of attention on my part!! Another quarter-inch and no thumb!!
Yep...It will get a finger or two!


The same with eye protection - don't forget to wear it. Glad to hear your finger is okay. I try to remind myself to be careful everytime I use a power tool. :lol:
"wow... glad you're going to be OK... I just learned a couple of safety tips here..."

Yeah, like don't work in your shop or garage in your bare feet or flipflops, DUH. And I don't walk out there barefoot anymore either. Went out one night to get something. Step on a short piece of wire I had cut off and went went flying somewhere. Well I found it, and it went into the ball of my foot. Went to the doctor and he xrayed it and said he could cut it out or it will work itself out over time. Only bothered me if I stepped a certain way. Took almost two years for that to work itself out.

ALWAYS clamp stuff on drill press, wear gloves more often, wear safety glasses, and above all USE YOUR HEAD for sumptin other than a hatrack.
Well, I'm amazed at how fast this thing is fixing itself. The Doc said I would be down for at least three days, and I'm already up, off the pain meds, and doing stuff. Don't worry, I'm going to be taking it easy anyway. I even managed to get the top button of my 501's fastened (picture old bald guy jumping up and down struggling to get the last top button fastened because of large overhanging gut). :eek:

Thumbs are more important than you think. :cool:

RexRod said:
I'm already up, off the pain meds,



Not sure about the pain meds but Jack Daniels always worked for me and I have had to drink a lot of it over the years. Take care.

Don't feel bad I was taking a fuel tank out of a explorer the other day I hit my head 3 times on a 2 post lift arm. The same arm the first 2 just rattled my but the 3 took about a 3" strip of skin about a 1/6 wide right in my reseeding hair line.:eek:
A few years ago I pulled a TH400 out of the back of my truck to carry it into the garage like I had done so many times. As I pulled it out and swung it around to head for the garage my hand slipped on the tranny fluid and I dropped her right on my big toe wearing a pair of Vans. Blew all the meat right out the side. Its now smaller then the toe next to it.

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