Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               


Click on the "View New Content" link below the search button.
Right click on the "View New Content" link and select "Copy Link Location" (for Firefox) or "Copy Shortcut" (for Explorer), then go to your desktop and right click. Select "New Shortcut" and paste (Ctrl + V) the shortcut URL into the dialog, click "Next" and type in a name for your new desktop shortcut icon (i.e. T-Bucket Forums). Viola! One double-click to T-Bucketeers goodness. :funmeter2:
Sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight.

Well I got a question while on the subject. When you click on NEW CONTENT you get a list of new things. OK so you read the new post and then click new content again, the same post is still there, like you never read it. Am I doing something wrong here? I thought it would go away being as it has been opened and read.

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