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1985 f150 problems


New Member
In a previous thread I was so happy that I got a 1985 F150 extended cab truck for $300. I cleaned up the truck, changed out the starter solenoid and got a great running truck out of it. The purpose for this truck was to give to my in-laws because their car broke down and they don't have the money to fix it. The car's engine is clanking, but mother-in-law says it only needs a fuel filter and their expensive to replace, yea right. :D They also don't trust their van to leave the area. Well their pride is causing them to refuse delivery of the truck, even though their pride never gets in the way of asking my brother-in-law for money. What should I do? I like the truck, but I already have 2 trucks. I don't want to sell it, because I feel if I did then they would want it after it is gone.

I know this much, I'll think twice about ever helping them again. :neutral:

(My father-in-law has kidney failure which requires dialysis and diabetes. Just last week he had his spleen and gall bladder removed. So they need a dependable vehicle, which this truck seems to be.)
You might want to sell them the truck letting them make payments on the schedule that they can afford maybe 20 a month.
The trouble with that is I already tried to give them the truck, if I told them to make payments for it, they would start telling everyone they know that I'm trying to rip them off. If I sell the truck to somebody else, and later they need it, I'll hear about how rude it was to give them a truck and then take it away.

My wife and I discussed it. If I had bought a car, it would have been too small for Father-in-law (FIL) to get in and out of. If I had bought a van or a large car, it would have been too hard for Mother-in-law (MIL) to drive. She complains about driving their minivan because it is big. No matter what, I wouldn't have satisfied both of them. I wish I had seen this one coming before I paid for the truck.

I'm debating in my head a chicken or egg theory. Are they miserable and then their health became poor or did their poor health cause them to become miserable. It is so frustrating when all I wanted to do was give them a second reliable vehicle to get FIL to the dialysis. (He is certainly not getting one of our kidneys!) I still don't know if I'm keeping the truck as I really don't need it and with it setting in my driveway, it just reminds me that I was just trying to do something nice for two ungrateful people.
It really isn't any of my business, but sense you asked. I would just sell the truck. Take it as a good deed that didn't go unpunished. If they get pissed off, mark it up as a learning experience and continue on with your life. Don't let them drag you down with them. Some people just enjoy misery, and misery loves company. Now you are miserable about the situation. You tried to help and were rejected, so cut your losses and move on with life.
I feel exactly the same way, I should just sell it. I would list it on ebay today, but my wife wants to think more about it. We're also waiting for feedback from Brother-In-Law. He has a way of talking sense into his mother.

As it stands, if their van breaks down, and the truck is sold, there is NO WAY we're helping get them to the dialysis or hospital. For that matter, based on this ungrateful spat, I'm not helping them on any future problems either. This doesn't mean I won't be friendly, but should they need to haul, fix something, or cut wood, good luck.

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