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305 Cam Help


Good Afternoon All,

First quick update on my of yesterday I got my state of Michigan assembled vehicle title. Man, that was a several month ordeal. Plates are next week.

Anyhow, was hoping to get some advice. I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation on how to figure out the cam in this motor....without tearing it apart. I got the motor from someone else and it has the Performer intake and Holly 600 (80457-10) CFM 4 barrel. I am almost thinking that the original builder followed this article.

How to Mod a 305 with Bolt-Ons to Add 168 RWHP

Oh...the lifters are very clearly aftermarket roller (having trouble posting a pic)

Thanks Everyone
The cam featured in the article was flat tappet , do you mean you have roller tip rockers ? Or roller lifters ...
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I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation on how to figure out the cam in this motor

When you say figure out, do you mean duration and lift or Manufacture and Model # of the camshaft?

If you have the measuring tools then yes you could get duration and lift numbers by measuring them
yourself. But if you want Manf and Model #, then I only see one way and that's pull timing cover of so
you can see the nose of the camshaft.
If you want Manf and Model #, then I only see one way and that's pull timing cover of so
you can see the nose of the camshaft.

This is probably the best way to go, since measuring can be tricky, given wear patterns etc.
Many aren't stamped on the front end ,in fact most that are stamped are on the rear , also , if you can't get accurate measurements due to wear , the cam is junk IMO
Thanks for the replies so far. Spanky helped me figure out the heads (unfortunately they aren't the good ones).'s a pic. I might try pulling the cover off this winter but I am thinking that maybe if someone went to all that trouble of intake, carb, roller tip, that maybe they went cam too.


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Some pics from the other day after getting the VIN finally.


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Your best bet is going to be to make some lift measurements with a degree wheel, and then see how those results match up to the various offerings from the usual cam sources . . . if you really want to know the specs.

Looking at the rocker pic, it looks like you still have the pressed in studs and stock springs set up, so it's doubtful you have anything but a very mild, if not stock cam.

A decent cam needs decent springs, and more than stock spring tension tends to pull the pressed-in studs out.

It may have just been the angle, but I didn't see guide plates for the pushrods, which means the rockers need to have the self centering washers along the sides of the rollers, which I also did not see. The rocker to the left appears to be well off center. I think those are the wrong rockers for that head/valve setup.

I have a 305 sitting around, and recall reading that article, and several similar ones . . . .

Given the cost of the Trick Flow heads, and the fact that they are the key to the bigger HP numbers, it just doesn't make a lot of sense to build a 305 when it's so easy to start with a 383, which has much better breathing capability.

Adding a good cam means you'll have to do some head mods, and that $$$ adds up pretty quickly, and you still have crappy 305 heads.

If it's running properly, just drive it and enjoy.

If you want more power, then build the next motor on a sound base.

Thanks for the replies so far. Spanky helped me figure out the heads (unfortunately they aren't the good ones).'s a pic. I might try pulling the cover off this winter but I am thinking that maybe if someone went to all that trouble of intake, carb, roller tip, that maybe they went cam too.
It takes a couple hours to bolt on goodies , hardly " trouble" . Roller tip rockers do basically nothing ,performance wise . Can't see the pushrod slots , but if there slots and not round holes , you don't need guide plates or self guiding rockers. It appears you may still have exhaust rotaters on those valves , that's ok , but they're heavy and do nothing for performance..
Thanks All. The prime motivator for the knowledge, at the moment, is to know where I am starting from (and for tune ups etc. to keep it running). It is fun and fast and I may just keep it that way until I get the bug to tear into it some winter. Greatly appreciate everyones help!
Good attitude ! It's real easy to get the hotrod equivalent of 2 foot- itis ,that's where 1 guy has 400 up , you just gotta have 450...

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