Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

A little history

my old crap

New Member
Well here's a history on my project not in the order i would have liked but.

.[attachment=1859:6/7/7/819.attach] Well just a little mock up before getting going.

[attachment=1860:6/7/7/820.attach] Off the buick chassis

[attachment=1861:6/7/7/821.attach]Off the buick chassis

[attachment=1862:6/7/7/822.attach] This is what my T body was welded to when I got it. 1965 buick chassis.

[attachment=1863:6/7/7/823.attach] More mock up.

[attachment=1864:6/7/7/824.attach] Day I brought it home.

[attachment=1865:6/7/7/825.attach] Day I brought it home.

[attachment=1866:6/7/7/826.attach] My bent frame rail.

[attachment=1867:6/7/7/827.attach] The same frame rail with my hand in the bend. it's really bent.

Well now that my frame rails are junk. I'm going to build my own frame that will have model A frame horns. Should look cool I think. I'll keep you up to date as I make more progress.

You made the biggest and best modification when you took the body off that Buick chassis. Look in the search cloud for my frame plans. There might be something there you could use.

You will be miles ahead by using new tubing instead of the A frame.

I don't know if you'd be interested or maybe you already know of this ,but here is a link to a build that involves a Tall T,
The World Of DuckusCrapus

I apologize for bringing back another post that was half way to the grave, but I thought my old crap & some of you might like this guys build.
Those pictures of the T sitting on the Buick frame should be required reading for anyone considering doing something like that. I understand the logic, late model suspension, set up already for a big motor, etc., but it SURE is ugly!! :eek::eek:

Glad you are saving the old girl, she deserves better. :welcome:


Here is some inspiration for you to keep you motivated:




That first light green T is soooo sweet. My advice to anyone considering building one of these is to buy a body with the doors. With all the interest in T coupes and tudors lately, the price of these doors has gone through the roof.


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