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A new and private forum section


Well-Known Member
I opened up what seemed to be a very polarizing discussion about allowing some 'relaxed rules' discussions on this site.

It seems most people were diametrically opposed on the possibility. Some saw it as a worthwhile endeavour, whilst others viewed the idea as something raised up from the pits of Hades.

Some felt it wold be nice to have these types of relaxed discussions, whilst others saw it as a foretoken of impending disaster.

Here's where I fall on all of it. Our membership is, by and large, a pretty well-behaved group. Have we had members who could tear down stone walls with rubber mallets? Absolutely. But the undesirables are always going to come and go, no matter the community's focus. Which brings me right back around to our members being good sports. To a point where I'm not skeered to give this a try.


If you take a look at the forum index, or home page, you will see something like the above.


And, if you enter the Lounge forum, things look like that.

If you do absolutely naught, that is the way things are always going to appear to you. Snug, secure, sheltered, and shielded.

However, if you feel you can carry on a discussion about topics that would be frowned upon, here in the open forums, if you feel you can conduct yourself as a polite adult, if you feel you can even debate hot button topics without losing your mind, then you need to contact me, and I will change the way things look for you.



As you can see, above, the Lounge forum now has a child forum, called The Pub.

Now, before the timid start squeezing head gaskets, let me say it one more time. If you never specifically ask for access to The Pub, you will never know it is there.

For those who want Pub access, contact me by whatever means you prefer. At no time, will anyone without Pub access ever know you have Pub access, as there will be no profile styling to indicate that to anyone outside The Pub. So, if you want to operate under the radar, then drop me a Personal Conversation and I will get your permissions changed. If you don't give a rat's rectum who knows, you can ask for access in this thread.

In all cases, topics discussed in The Pub are to remain in The Pub. Never, upon any circumstances, will Pub topics be allowed on the open forums. Violate this one, and you can be assured of losing your Pub access.

In all cases, discussions within The Pub will remain respectful toward other Pub members. There will be no arguing, there will be no name-calling, there will be no temper tantrums of any kind. There is exactly zero wriggle room on this one, so if you feel the need to show your bum, you can fully expect to lose your Pub access.

There will be no nudity, no porn, and no profanity in The Pub. If you have a photo of a hottie you want to share, keep it clean.

At present, there is one forum staff member with access to The Pub. Even the moderators are locked out, unless they request access. But keep in mind, my moderating style is not shy, nor is it reserved. Act out, and I will crush you with a flaming ban hammer, the likes of which you have never seen.

Let me know if you want in. And again, if you request access in private, only myself and others in The Pub will know you are in there, so your secret will be safe with us.

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