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aluminum body

Not a heck of a lot of Horse Power there, had to bend it around a circle to break em loose....:lol:

A while back there was an ongoing article in one of the "rod kulture" magaizines about an old man (looked to be in his 70's...) hammering out a Aluminum T-Bucket body. I got a couple issures and then forgot about it and never seen the end result but the body as much as I seen of it was indeed, FIRST CLASS. He was here in merica someplace. If I get a chance this afternoon I'll dig em out and see if there is a link, I'd like to see if he finished it....."BH"
TheAntiBoyd said:
it wasnt marcel was it?

No, I don't think this guy was commercial shop at all, he was jus some old man pounding out a aluminum T-Body. I'll try to find the magazine. Not sure but I think it was featured in "Garage" the Jessie James Magazine, last fall I think...:confused: "BH"
That was in "Rod & Kulture" For one. The guys name is Bill West.

I wish I had the money for an aluminum hand-formed Marcel t-bucket. But then Id pick something more curvaceous to emphasize that mans (and his sons) talent.

Anyone on here own a carbon fiber T?
Youngster said:
That was in "Rod & Kulture" For one. The guys name is Bill West.


You are Correct !! I just located the articles, " Traditional Rod & Kulture Illustrated" Issues # 10, #11..( summer-Fall of 07)

I appoligise to Mr. West.I guess he doesn't look like he's in his 70's afterall.... LOL :o "BH"
I just received the fall issue today,#15. For those of you that are playing with the idea of building your own body, there is an excellent article on forming panels in it. There is also a bout the best write up I've seen on derusting with reverse electroisis. If you find a copy in the magazine rack, pick it up and thumb through it. They seem to be following the format that Rod Action was when Ol' Tex started that rag, basic how-to's. they have a web site also;


They cater to the rat/traditional/ gasser crowds but I have found lots of good info there too.

TheAntiBoyd said:
Anyone on here own a carbon fiber T?

I playing with the idea of doing a little fiberglass molding. I have a couple of the old time stamped steel lawn chairs that I would like to use as plugs to make new ones out of Kevlar. The idea of a carbon fiber T-bucket has crossed my mind. I'll put that on list of things to do right behind my next daily driver, my next hot rod, my lawn chairs, my VW powered land speed racer, and my chopper. I'll be 62 in February so I should probably get a move on.
You know I have one of those really nice old lawn chairs too. Mine is a "sunset" (?????) I think, it folds up, has the nice wide arm rests and formed seat, all steel.
I'm looking for some of those that had the tubing frame, bent into a "U" on the ground and had spring action.....40-50's vintage..good stuff ! :cool: "BH"
that's what i have/ Two with the old U shaped tubing frame. Comfortable.

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