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And the media blows it, again


Well-Known Member
A couple weeks ago, I was talking about the incredibly negative damage that comes from people trying to race on public streets and highways. And here is an article that proves my point.

Akhmedov was most certainly NOT 'drag racing', when this terrible accident occurred. He may have been street racing, but to confuse an illegal activity with a sanctioned sport is just one example of rubbish reporting, and how it creates false impressions.

It smacks of the incredible stupidity KTVU news displayed whilst reporting the names of the captain and crew of the crashed Asiana flight at San Francisco.

Just remember, reading it in a newspaper or seeing it on a news report is never going to mean it is factual and/or true.

How ignorant did that broad have to be, to actually read those names on the air? Sum Ting Wong? Yeah, you'll go no argument from me on that point. Ho Lee Fuk. :rolleyes:
This new show about street racers is like moonshiners. Do something illegal and put it on Tv. Can you say STUPID and they call it reality tv.

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