Well-Known Member
This is something that should likely go into the Announcements forum, but placed here I know more people will see it and will read it.
As you know, if you've been here more than two minutes
, I like making this site easy for people to use. I also like adding features and functions that will appeal to our members. And I am happy to announce I have just nailed both those birds with one stone.
The sharp-eyed amongst you will have alredy noticed a new menu option in the NavBar - Support Center.
Clicking on that link won't get you anywhere for just the now, but here are some sneak peeks of what is shaping up in the background.
I have added a complete Support Center to the forums. And when I say complete, that is exactly what I mean. Once you are able to access the Support Center (have patience, I'm working as fast as I can do), you will then be able to submit trouble tickets, to report any questions you may have, or to report any problems you are experiencing. You will also be able to access any previous tickets you have submitted. And, last but certainly not least, you will be able to access our Knowledgebase, to read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
In short, you will be able to visit one link to find or to get answers to questions you have. Let's take a deeper look behind the scenes, so you can see how this will all work.
If you need to send a Trouble Ticket, you can click on the Submit ticket link and you will see a page like the one above. You will be able to select the area your question best fits, whether that might be a question about the forum, the photo gallery, the donation manager or just general, miscellaneous questions. You can then give your ticket a specific title, so the tech answering the question will know more specifics. You can then type out a full description of the problem or questions, providing full details, so the tech can narrow down what you need help with. As you can see, the tecketing system uses the same text entry as the forums, so you will be able to format your tickets the same as forum posts. And, since pictures can be worth a thousand words, you will also be able to display screenshot images inline, or as attachments.
And no more of my forgetting to check the Support forum for new posts
, because when you submit your ticket, the system will fire off an e-mail to me, to let me know a new ticket has been submitted.
For faster answers, you will also be able to check the FAQs in our Knowledgebase. Clicking on that link will take you to a list of the Knowledgebase categories. As you can see above, I have only managed to get two categories configured, but both are already populated with some questions and answers, so there is some progress being made.
Clicking on the Forum Post FAQs will open up that category, where you can see some of the more frequently asked questions. And if you are needing help learning how to start a new thread on the forums, you can click on that question...
...and you will see an answer to the question.
In a slight play with words, let me just ask one question. Hoosier daddy?
No more hunting around the forums, trying to find answers to questions. As I get this system fleshed out, you will find all your answers, right in on place. And if you cannot find an answer in the Knowledgebase, then you will be able to submit a trouble ticket, from the very same place. Can it get any easier than this?
But here is where I have to insert a disclaimer. If you look in the upper-right corner of the Support Center, you will see the following module -
Please understand I am installing this system to provide each one of you with am more robust forum experience. That is what this is all about for me, trying to make things easier for you to use and trying to make this the T-Bucket site you spend the majority of your time on. But at the end of the day, I have to admit I do have a life. Well, somewhat of a life, anyway. I do have a job, but remember that requires me to work nights. So my daily schedule might not align with your own. On a typical morning, I arrive home from work at about 7:12 and I am usually jumping into my scratcher by 7:18. Some mornings, I may try to check at least some of my 19 e-mail Inboxes, to see if there are any fires to be put out. But I generally find sleep is a higher priority at that time of day. I admit I can be rather abrupt when dealing with others, but abrupt turns into outright cranky, when I am in need of sleep. Although the times are few and far between, my son and granddaughters do come over for an occasional visit. And I think you will all understand that forums are the last thing on my mind when my grandbabies are here. I try to get to Lodge at least once a month, so don't be surprised if I am not around on a Saturday evening.
If you submit a trouble ticket at 4:00 PM, chances are that it will get handled pretty quickly. If you submit a trouble ticket at 9:30 PM, it may not get handled until the following afternoon/evening. On 1 January, EX JUNK. 409T and myself all got 100% increases in our forum salaries, which means we are all still doing this as a labor of love, at zero pay. So don't get too put out, if you do not get an immediate answer to your trouble tickets. The day this site provides me with a living income, I promise you faster response times to your trouble tickets, aye?
Rest assured I will address your problems as soon as humanly possible. Nothing would make me any happier than to keep average response times to trouble tickets below 20 minutes, but I am only one person.
I will be adding FAQs to the Knowledgebase and putting the final touches on the ticketing system. Moderators, you should be able to access the system, at this time, so flag me up if you cannot. Once I get the Support Center opened for business, I will let everyone know and I will then move the threads in the Support forum to the How Do I... forum, which I will close down to a read-only archive.
As you know, if you've been here more than two minutes

The sharp-eyed amongst you will have alredy noticed a new menu option in the NavBar - Support Center.

Clicking on that link won't get you anywhere for just the now, but here are some sneak peeks of what is shaping up in the background.

I have added a complete Support Center to the forums. And when I say complete, that is exactly what I mean. Once you are able to access the Support Center (have patience, I'm working as fast as I can do), you will then be able to submit trouble tickets, to report any questions you may have, or to report any problems you are experiencing. You will also be able to access any previous tickets you have submitted. And, last but certainly not least, you will be able to access our Knowledgebase, to read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
In short, you will be able to visit one link to find or to get answers to questions you have. Let's take a deeper look behind the scenes, so you can see how this will all work.

If you need to send a Trouble Ticket, you can click on the Submit ticket link and you will see a page like the one above. You will be able to select the area your question best fits, whether that might be a question about the forum, the photo gallery, the donation manager or just general, miscellaneous questions. You can then give your ticket a specific title, so the tech answering the question will know more specifics. You can then type out a full description of the problem or questions, providing full details, so the tech can narrow down what you need help with. As you can see, the tecketing system uses the same text entry as the forums, so you will be able to format your tickets the same as forum posts. And, since pictures can be worth a thousand words, you will also be able to display screenshot images inline, or as attachments.
And no more of my forgetting to check the Support forum for new posts

For faster answers, you will also be able to check the FAQs in our Knowledgebase. Clicking on that link will take you to a list of the Knowledgebase categories. As you can see above, I have only managed to get two categories configured, but both are already populated with some questions and answers, so there is some progress being made.

Clicking on the Forum Post FAQs will open up that category, where you can see some of the more frequently asked questions. And if you are needing help learning how to start a new thread on the forums, you can click on that question...

...and you will see an answer to the question.
In a slight play with words, let me just ask one question. Hoosier daddy?
No more hunting around the forums, trying to find answers to questions. As I get this system fleshed out, you will find all your answers, right in on place. And if you cannot find an answer in the Knowledgebase, then you will be able to submit a trouble ticket, from the very same place. Can it get any easier than this?
But here is where I have to insert a disclaimer. If you look in the upper-right corner of the Support Center, you will see the following module -

Please understand I am installing this system to provide each one of you with am more robust forum experience. That is what this is all about for me, trying to make things easier for you to use and trying to make this the T-Bucket site you spend the majority of your time on. But at the end of the day, I have to admit I do have a life. Well, somewhat of a life, anyway. I do have a job, but remember that requires me to work nights. So my daily schedule might not align with your own. On a typical morning, I arrive home from work at about 7:12 and I am usually jumping into my scratcher by 7:18. Some mornings, I may try to check at least some of my 19 e-mail Inboxes, to see if there are any fires to be put out. But I generally find sleep is a higher priority at that time of day. I admit I can be rather abrupt when dealing with others, but abrupt turns into outright cranky, when I am in need of sleep. Although the times are few and far between, my son and granddaughters do come over for an occasional visit. And I think you will all understand that forums are the last thing on my mind when my grandbabies are here. I try to get to Lodge at least once a month, so don't be surprised if I am not around on a Saturday evening.
If you submit a trouble ticket at 4:00 PM, chances are that it will get handled pretty quickly. If you submit a trouble ticket at 9:30 PM, it may not get handled until the following afternoon/evening. On 1 January, EX JUNK. 409T and myself all got 100% increases in our forum salaries, which means we are all still doing this as a labor of love, at zero pay. So don't get too put out, if you do not get an immediate answer to your trouble tickets. The day this site provides me with a living income, I promise you faster response times to your trouble tickets, aye?

I will be adding FAQs to the Knowledgebase and putting the final touches on the ticketing system. Moderators, you should be able to access the system, at this time, so flag me up if you cannot. Once I get the Support Center opened for business, I will let everyone know and I will then move the threads in the Support forum to the How Do I... forum, which I will close down to a read-only archive.