Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Another Nor-Cal guy


Oddly enough, I live about 15 miles away from the previous poster (Hot rod guy from N. Cal - AKA: golddredger). So hello up there in Paradise!

Due to health issues my dad sold me his '23 t-bucket in September. Intercity Lines picked it up in New York on October 28th (my dad died one hour after the car was loaded) and delivered it to me in California on November 18th. Needless-to-say, this car means a great deal to me and my family. He bought it as a rolling chassis in So-Cal in 1991, took the project with him when my parents moved to New York in 2001, and he finally finished it in 2005. While my parents owned many street rods (5 at the time of his death) this one always was the favorite for my kids and me. He did a great job on it, but it has been neglected over the past few years (due to his health issues) so some TLC is in order. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions along the way...

I'm also three years into a 1936 Nash Ambassador project (Jag IFS/IRS, '97 Suburban donor for the engine/tranny). However, my attention will be on the T-bucket until I get it back into top shape. I'm looking forward to learning a lot on this forum, and contributing whenever I have something worthwhile to offer.
Welcome from Santa Clara.
Hello there!
Yep Paradise. You must be in Chico. I just hit pick n pull yesterday. Scored some parts going back tomorrow if the rain breaks. Half price all this weekend. Maybe we will bump into each other at cruise night in toys r us parking lot this summer. Hope to see you around would like to see your t bucket sometime.

Oddly enough, I live about 15 miles away from the previous poster (Hot rod guy from N. Cal - AKA: golddredger). So hello up there in Paradise!

Due to health issues my dad sold me his '23 t-bucket in September. Intercity Lines picked it up in New York on October 28th (my dad died one hour after the car was loaded) and delivered it to me in California on November 18th. Needless-to-say, this car means a great deal to me and my family. He bought it as a rolling chassis in So-Cal in 1991, took the project with him when my parents moved to New York in 2001, and he finally finished it in 2005. While my parents owned many street rods (5 at the time of his death) this one always was the favorite for my kids and me. He did a great job on it, but it has been neglected over the past few years (due to his health issues) so some TLC is in order. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions along the way...

I'm also three years into a 1936 Nash Ambassador project (Jag IFS/IRS, '97 Suburban donor for the engine/tranny). However, my attention will be on the T-bucket until I get it back into top shape. I'm looking forward to learning a lot on this forum, and contributing whenever I have something worthwhile to offer.
Hello there!
Yep Paradise. You must be in Chico. I just hit pick n pull yesterday. Scored some parts going back tomorrow if the rain breaks. Half price all this weekend. Maybe we will bump into each other at cruise night in toys r us parking lot this summer. Hope to see you around would like to see your t bucket sometime.

Yeah, I'm in Chico. And I am looking forward to having a car to take to cruise night this summer.
Welcome from northern Illinois
Hello there!
Yep Paradise. You must be in Chico. I just hit pick n pull yesterday. Scored some parts going back tomorrow if the rain breaks. Half price all this weekend. Maybe we will bump into each other at cruise night in toys r us parking lot this summer. Hope to see you around would like to see your t bucket sometime.

Given the non-stop rain this weekend, I'm guessing you haven't made it to Pick n Pull! Still, we need all the rain we can get! Once I get 10 posts, I'll upload some photos of my t bucket.

Yep my son and I went and pulled a set of Vortec heads in the rain and wind. Took some plastic draped it over the hood climbed inside and got the job done. We need the rain but I must say I am over it already. Was hoping to go back today for a few more parts. Just might make it.
Pulling parts in the wind and rain - that's dedication to the task! Hopefully you made it back out yesterday. It was dry enough that I took my T out for a spin. I'm definitely in "new toy mode" so I‘m driving it every chance I get. :cool:

welcome from Racine Wisconsin. Love to see pics of the 36 Nash.

How it looked when I first saw it at my friend's house. At the time I was planning to build a T-bucket, but when I saw this car I just had to have it!

Sitting in my garage. Those Jaguar wheels underneath it are just set in place; it still had the stock suspension under it at this point.

Below is the dash (with both the radio and clock options). Both work (after a few minor repairs).

Here is a detail shot of the hood ornament; it took me years of searching online to find one.

Front/rear jag suspension sitting under the car (waiting for someone to stop playing with the t-bucket and focus instead on fabricating some mounts). :whistling:

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