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Anyone heard from Gerry?

I don't think there has bin trouble where he lives .It has all bin in the city's . I think that it is all a load of hooligans out to trash the place and to smash and grab what thay can then put themselves on u tube.To date there has bin about 1000 in court and protected.
The bad part is they cannot own a fire arm to protect themselves when this crap comes too close to home.
Firearms are banned, and baseball bat sales are up over 6,000%... six thousand percent.
I talked with Gerry today, here is what he said about the riots =
The riots are mainly in the cities,
so I am rural enough not to get caught up with any of it. Plus, as with you
I don't go to cities at night any more. Gerry

Thanks Ted. I thought he was outside the city, but from the news coverage up here you would think the whole country was burning.

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