Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Attn: TEX-T


Well-Known Member
Your attempt at password recovery is never going to work. In order to complete the process, you must click on a link e-mailed you by the forum. And you're never going to see that e-mail, because your registered address bounces as an Invalid Recipient. It looks as if you've been using an employer-provided e-mail account, so perhaps you have changed jobs?

This is one that really lights me up. To become a member of this forum, everyone is required to provide AND MAINTAIN a valid, working e-mail address. Every single time someone changes ISPs and fails to change the e-mail address attached to their forum account, I get all their bounced e-mail in my own Inbox. I woke up to 63 e-mail messages this morning and when I'm trying to work my way through them and find bounced messages, my thoughts are somewhat less than polite. It takes mere seconds to modify a registered e-mail in the forum account settings, yet people never seem to take the time to do it. Apparently their time is much more valuable than my own.


Since you can't get password recovery e-mails with an incorrect e-mail address and you can't correct your e-mail address without a password to log in with, you will need to e-mail me with a VALID, WORKING e-mail address, so I can change it for you. I will then set a temporary password on your account and e-mail that information back to you, so you can log into the forums. Once you have managed to log in, you will need to change your password to something only you will know and be able to remember. Send the e-mail to this domain, which is, and to username - webmaster.

Effective immediately, all members of the T-Bucket Forums are required to provide and maintain a valid e-mail address as a condition of continuing to receive full forum privileges. The forum software makes use of e-mail communication to provide notices of activity on subscribed threads, of new Private Messages and as a reminder to inactive members.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     