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Batten down the hatches


Well-Known Member
It is starting to cool off, as clouds are moving into the area, but about an hour ago, it was 64°, the warmest we've seen in months. I have a couple of windows open and the gurlz are loving every bit of the fresh air.

2014-03-11 17.53.42.jpg

But nothing lasts forever. As a matter of fact, some things don't even last overnight.


The current conditions look superb, but look at the forecast for later tonight, and tomorrow. :mad:

The rain is supposed to start moving in around 4:00 AM, changing to sleet and freezing rain, then giving way to something between 3" and 5" of snow, by 4:00 PM, tomorrow afternoon.


And check those temperatures for tomorrow night. Boys and girls, 8° with 20 MPH winds figures to a -12° wind chill factor.

Now, ain't that just grand? :x3:
We've been in the 40's the last couple of days & I could see some patches of grass in my yard. Looking at getting another 3-8 inches here tonight with those same 20-30 mph winds. I was just starting to get used to wearing shorts the last couple of days and watching goofballs riding their motorcycles. The potholes are all over the place and makes the bombed out roads in Iraq look mild & the seasonal weight restrictions are just starting to go into effect to prevent the roads from deteriorating LOL. Most places up here sold out of salt and snow blowers last month and the road commissions have been using sand because of the salt shortage and or budget. I was just warming up to the idea of being able to wash my car because it was warm enough to keep the windows from freezing shut. I assume the dog was starting to think about the days of laying out on the deck in the sun and forgetting about dragging her butt in the snow to do her business as well. Looks like most of the kiddies will be making up for snow days into the middle of June. I've been so sick of this winter and the cold that I would like to hunt down the writer of the song Let it Snow.
Hey: Blizzard conditions today in S.E. Michigan. This snow will NEVER melt. Can't even get to the garage.
The streets and sidewalks are all pretty much clear, here. We got a couple inches, but no more. It started raining (read: pouring down) around 1:00 AM and the snow started at 6:00. The snow was coming down so hard that I ended up engaging the transfer case in the truck, just to get home. It was a sick mess. I went to bed, expecting the worst when I woke up this afternoon, but things are not nearly as bad as I had expected. It's only 30° and is supposed to drop down to just 9°, tonight. But it is meant to be back up in the upper 50's on Friday, so this is a temporary thing.

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