Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Bearing Seized to Spindle - OUCH!!!


So I drove the '23 on the freeway for a good 40 minutes straight last night for the first time. Clearly the inner bearing on the spindle didn't like it. It seized up and eventually busted free of its confines. DOH!!! Now it won't come off the spindle or spindle adapter. Looks like I may be replacing the spindle today!

Question...what could have caused this so I can fix it??


PS, you can see what is left of the inner bearing sitting there on the ground.


Probably will have to heat bearing not spindle with propane torch. Bearing should loosen up on spindle. Will need some big pliers to pull it off while it's hot.
You can take a narrow cut-off wheel on a die grinder & cut ALMOST all the way thru the race , then a sharp chisel w/ a BFH , 1 good whack should split the race so you can remove it , then do it again if need be for the adapter, then you'll know if you have to replace the spindle .... I've seen worse than that on trailor spindles & the spinle be O.K.
Two great suggestions, thanks! It's crazy that even the adapter is stuck to the spindle. Now what should I change so this doesn't happen again??
Crappy off-shore bearings , lack of lubrication , incorrect bearing adjustment , pick your cause , then correct it....dave
LOL Thanks! I will make sure to pack them real well. I did the first time, but it could have just been crappy bearing failure.
Put on your safety glasses, heat the inner race cherry red in one spot, hit it there with a cold cut chisel parallel to the spindle. The heat will allow the race to grow when struck, opening the ID larger than it is now. The chisel mark will need to be the width of the race.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I got it off with a cut off wheel and some precision cutting...or something like that. LOL Sanded down any rough spots, bought some new bearings, packed them well, greased the hell out of everything, and slapped it back together. Rolls beautifully once again. A $30 fix after a $170 tow home. LOL Yeah, I was across town!
I am sure you know this already, but do not over tighten the spindle nut. Bearings do expand when they warm up, which in turn kinda, sorta, is like tightening the nut more. Glad you got back together again without a spindle replacement.
. Rolls beautifully once again. A $30 fix after a $170 tow home. LOL Yeah said:
That's why I use AAA. $175.00 a year and tow you up to 200 miles back home.

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