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Best Question Yet


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Drove the T to the small town today. After eating some delicious ribs, I stopped by the local machine shop to shoot the breeze. One of the local sheriffs stopped by before heading home. While giving the T the once over, the sheriff asked, does it have a hood? While holding back a laugh, I informed him it had no top either. He said, boy that would be tough.
That's like asking if a motorcycle has doors.
Had a guy at a stoplight ask if minewas a deuce. I told him yea and moved up in the price brackets!
I registered my T for a car show once as a 1923, but the registration people transposed the numbers and it wound up being a 1932. Consequently I won a small plaque for the best (and only) deuce T in the show.
I was in a near by town and come across a car check by local police . A policeman told me my headlights was mounted to low,I showed him the vin number in the frame and told him the D. O. T. had inspected it,when the title was issued and had give there blessing to it. They also didn't like the sound of my exhaust with mufflers [to loud] While I was stopped a Harley[ with no mufflers was stopped] I asked him how do they get by? He didn't have much to say , and told me to ahead. and give me that look, like don't come back ,OH WELL...
I was asked if I had fun driving my (previous) bucket on the beach. Told them it was a street legal hot rod with registration and WOF, and they said, "wow, I didnt know beach buggy could be driven on the street"

Oh well.......
Had a guy tell me "You must have fun with that on the sand dunes!" ......I live in Minnesota ..... what sand dunes?

I had one of our local motorcycle cops pull up next to me at a light. He looked the T over and asked how well the air conditioner worked (it was over 90, that day). I told him it worked about as well as his: Great in January, lousy in in July. He smiled, the light changed, and we both drove off.

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