looking for a c cab body, short bucket style not the sedan, wagon. anyone know of a manufactor. also the tall T truck body. thanks for any help
Spirit in Mountain home Ar. makes either style.
rodnrace.com has what you are looking for.how about something like this design, this was created by DAN WOODS who built the milk truck and the ice truck this was the third one he designed with ED NEWTON.
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I really like how the frame pinches around the front of the body, a real high end feature in my book for a T bucketScott never mentioned it but he bought Rod N Race awhile back. I stopped by there today and had a little tour. The bodies look very nice and I personally like his chassis. The bodies are a little longer then stock and they are designed to sit on the frame not channel over it. This makes for more room in the car as well as more leg room.
Here is one fresh out of the mold. I wish I could have taken it home.
Here is the chassis with the regular body. I believe he mentioned they are interchangeable.