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C6 Transmission Help


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I have a 75 302 engine and a 80 C6 transmission that I have mated together. Now, someone tells me there is a thin steel plate that is suppose to go between the engine and the transmission bellhousing. I can not find anythinganyone that knows anything about this.

Can anyone offer any help?:confused:

Milt Atkinson
I am not familiar with that setup, but it sounds like the person could be talking about a shim to set the torque converter clearance. Just a guess. :neutral:
Yes there is a thin steel plate that goes between the engine and flywheel and the transmission
it also serves as a flywheel cover for the bottom of the transmission and there is another little window plate right on the bottom to allow access to the torque converter bolts . all the ford motors use them and you can get one at a salvage yard for a little of nothing ,,Hope this helped

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