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Carpet and insulation

Track T-4

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
I'm curious what people are using for carpeting and insulation/padding.

I'm considering marine carpet because my T dosen't have a top and rain is inevitable. Anyone have a good source for marine carpet or suggetsed alternatives?

For insulation I've researched most of the big names but the pricing is ridiculous. Is there something out there that is resonably priced and provides some degree of padding as well as sound/heat avoidance and won't soak up water?
Marine carpeting sounds good. I used the cheapest carpet I could find that looked good. It was about $10 at the auto parts store. Cut it to fit and if it gets wet, replace it and you're not out a lot of money.

Unless you have exhaust pipes running underneath the body, I don't think you would need insulation.
I'm using an indoor/outdoor greeting door mat from Menards. Cost about $6. I cut it to fit and whamo - Done !
Track T-4 said:
I'm curious what people are using for carpeting and insulation/padding.

I'm considering marine carpet because my T dosen't have a top and rain is inevitable. Anyone have a good source for marine carpet or suggetsed alternatives?

For insulation I've researched most of the big names but the pricing is ridiculous. Is there something out there that is resonably priced and provides some degree of padding as well as sound/heat avoidance and won't soak up water?
I found some in a black at lowes cut it to size and brought it to a apolstry shop got it bound around the edges and they also bounded the insolation to the bottem for about $35.oo and Im sure the price would very from shop to shop.
Make sure if you glue it down that use use a marine grade contact adheasive. They won't let go when they get wet. I've used the commerical products Weltwood or TopGrip. If your doing your own interior with somthing other than vinyl or leather (a material) then you need to be aware of "show through". Basically its when you can see the color of glue through the material. Last time I used it, TopGrip was green and Weltwood was a light yellow. As a last result, 3M's 676 is pretty good and light in color and can be found in rattle cans at any big hardware store. Ok, enough of my ranting, sorry for straying off topic... Have a good one. Spaceman :eek:
Not at all spaceman, this is just the reason we are all here on the site, to learn whay has worked for some one else. Thanks for the tip.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I have only driven the car from the transporter to the garage so no real experience of what kind of heat is generated. The exhaust is out the side (only one) and not under the car so heat should not be an issue. The car is so open that noise through the floor shouldn't be an issue either. :rolleyes:

Current plan is to seal the floor, cut the carpet/get all the rough edges bound, and glue the carpet to the floor. Then make matching mats to allow some protection. I' picked up the Lokar and Watson's chrome trim to finish off the steering column, brake, e-brake and shifter and the wife is going to sew some matching boots. Looking forward to finishing the interior and then moving on the other things.
Track T-4 said:
For insulation I've researched most of the big names but the pricing is ridiculous. Is there something out there that is resonably priced and provides some degree of padding as well as sound/heat avoidance and won't soak up water?

Might want to check out this eBay seller's insulation

4x10' for $29.95.

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