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It seems that T Buckets tend to attract the "bad girls"! Gentlemen, be on your guard! They will distract you from your mission. They will touch your car and ask for rides. Resistance is futile!

Nailbomb said:
Damn, I may just have to have a chase vehicle to pick them up, cuz theres only 2 seats in the bucket.

:lol:Well, they could mud wrestle and the winner rides! A couple look like they work out. It might be a long match.
:naughty:I tend to believe that two of the girls were hand picked to stand next to the bucket.:D

:D Yea, Thomas, a lot of plastic got used in that build and I'm not talking about the bucket!;)
:eek:To get thqt many ladies in there the top would have to come off....and the Buckets too!

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