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CCR Sport Deck, By "BH"

Baby Huey

New Member
Several people have asked questions about the CCR Sport Deck. So I took a few pictures and drew up a George Barnes quality drawing .(....NOT ! :welcome:)
I hope this helps ya out in some way.

1) here is the rear portion of my frame...

2) Here is the deck sitting on the frame in place

3) Side view showing axle centerline

4)Rear view


5) Bottom showing Fuel Cell Sump

6)Front access hole,mount bolt holes

7)Side View

8)Open Trunk

9) Drawing of Frame Dims.

thats bout it, any questions, let me know, I'll try to help if I can...... "BH"
Thanks BH. Killer setup. Correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like that fuel cell is sumped, correct? The way you are building this, are you planning on some quarter mile action?? Did alot of right clicking and saving thanx!:welcome:
I like the way this is looking BH . Do you know if the sport deck can be bought by itself? It would be just the ticket for what I am doing....Francis
sstock said:
Thanks BH. Killer setup. Correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like that fuel cell is sumped, correct? The way you are building this, are you planning on some quarter mile action?? Did alot of right clicking and saving thanx!:welcome:

Yup, it's a 16 gallon Fuel Cell with a sending unit, from Summit Racing...It has a sump ,and I wish it didn;'t, just because I could have installed it AFTER the deck was bolted to the body. The Sump was just enough that I had to recut the front access hole and put the cell in from the front, it wouldn't fit thru the trunk hole ! :sad:
I sent you an e-mail Steve, if ya want the pics I 'll send em to ya....."BH"
Francis Blake said:
I like the way this is looking BH . Do you know if the sport deck can be bought by itself? It would be just the ticket for what I am doing....Francis

I dunno Francis if you can buy it separately or not. I would imagine you could.... Give em a call and find out.
California Custom Roadsters , last time I looked I didn't see it online...(?).... "BH"
LumenAl said:
I may have said this before, I don't know, but that frame you are building is simply awesome BH... :clap:

LOL, Ohhhhhhh Al, you make me blush :o, and I'm choking on my Breakfast Bratworst.....:welcome:
Someday I'll turn on the welder and finish the welds before it rusts away..."BH"

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