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Chester Greenhalgh Rear shock mounts

Mike Becker

New Member
Hello all, I recently purchased the Chester Greenhalgh classic "How to build a T-Bucket for under $3000". I'm currently trying to build the frame; however, I'm stuck on page #39 discussing the rear shock mounts. I guess I'm unclear about the procedure they're mounted, welded, and how the shocks are mounted. It's really unclear and the pictures are horrible. In the book, Chester tells the reader to fabricate 6 smaller brackets...2 for the upper mounts, 2 for the rear shock mounts, and ??????? Anyone who has this book and can reference this info. please help. Thanks.
If you go to RPM's website he has sets of upper and lower shock mounts with good pics quality parts at a good price.
This drawing should help you. By the way, the book notes that of the 6 similar tabs, 4 are used for the front radius rod mounts, and 2 for the rear shock mounts on the frame.
Something to think about. Wait til you have a rolling chassis before finializing those shock mounts. Some times because of body placement or alignment or frame rake or even tire size, the shocks need to go in a different place. On my chassis', shocks are one of the last things to be fabbed.


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