I went on the internet and did a few hours research and what I found made sense. The chrome coating on todays headers are basicly like paint. Only a LOT thinner. That's also why the scratch so easy. When the header turns blue, it's because that coating is burned. That's why a polish won't take it off. The blueing isn't something that gets ON the header, it's the coating itself being burned. That's also why all thse "backyard" remedys won't get scratches out of chrome. In essence, the only way to remove the blue would be to remove the burned chrome. then you'll have bare metal. It's a no win situation. Try to un-burn a slice of toast. Same thing.
Probably, the best thing for you to do is order all the polishes that say they'll work. Try them and see what happens. I can guarantee you'll end up with a nice collection of chrome polish like I have.
I've got Turtle Wax, Flitz, Blue-away, Purple polish, Blue-out, Wenol, Simichrome and even a bottle of Jewelers Rouge. NONE took off the blue. They ALL give a great shine and taught me an expensive lesson.
On a good note, I actually like the bluing, once I got used to it. If your engines tuned well, it's a nice, smooth graduation of color coming from the head.