Well-Known Member
Guess what I found under a pile of cardboard, drop cloths, boxes, and about an inch of dust: My bucket. I should have my a$$ kicked for letting it set uncovered for so long. I spent a couple hours blowing it off, wiping it down, and moving stuff away, man I need a bigger shop. Anyways, I’m going to start back on it. I was in the process of installing the doors. They are built and hung, but I need to do quite a bit of glass work to bring em up to snuff. I can’t remember my train of thought, it’s been several years. Unbelievable how much time has expired since I was working on it. I have thousands of dollars worth of new stuff for it. Life just got in the way. Unexpected property issues, tenant issues, kids, relatives, elderly parents, deaths, injuries, health... yada, yada, yada. You know how it goes. Hopefully I will resume posting some interesting progress notes and pictures soon, if I can figure out how to persuade my phone or iPad to cooperate with this finicky sites imaging. Creating the weather seal portion of the jambs is a bit perplexing to me. I need to decide what I want to do. I have a smooth transition from the floor to the rockers, which I like, but cannot decide how I want to transition to the vertical portions of the jambs. I don’t know if I want a ledge along the bottom or not. Likely will, almost need to, to make it workout. I will have to figure out how to make it strong, tall enough to function, but not be miserable to enter and exit and not be ugly. Shooting from the hip is perplexing compared to using pre formed jambs, etc. that option just wasn’t in the cards for this project. Oh well, if it was easy, it wouldn’t feel as good when I get it finished! If ever, lol. Stay tuned.