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Clutch / brake peddle ?

I'm going to be using a 5spd trans. I was wounding what the options are there for the clutch and brake peddles ? I've searched but come up limited. Thanks Jim
I used a Chassis Enginering set up for a Model A worked well in my coupe. Dwight
I'm going to be using a 5spd trans. I was wounding what the options are there for the clutch and brake peddles ? I've searched but come up limited. Thanks Jim

Check out the June issue of Rod & Custom. On page 20 there is an article that might be of some help to you.

It's funny you bring up that magazine I just picked it up. Thanks

I've had my copy for over a week and got some time to sit down with it this morning. R & C is one of my all time favorite publications. I've been reading it since the 50's.


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