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Collector Car Tax Proposal

Saw this over on the HAMB. Read the column about polka dancing too. Give you any clues? It was shown on April first. :jester:
We have the same crap going on over here.
These guys will do ANYTHING to keep themselves in power and the lifestyle they have become accustomed too. Its now started to look like daylight robbery and its time to hit back. They dont govern us they LEACH off us. They get a cushioned life and we get more and more TAXES. Its time this STOPPED.Remember without our contributions these guys are screwed
Saw this over on the HAMB. Read the column about polka dancing too. Give you any clues? It was shown on April first.
Damn! I guess this means I'm never going to be able to own a 40 MPG 1969 GT350? :winkn:

I've already converted my 1937 Dodge Dakota to perpetual motion, so I know that can be accomplished. But wait! Is a '37 Dakota going to be considered a collector's car and be taxed higher as a result? It is a pretty rare model, when you stop to think about it.

I'll worry about it later, I'm off to prevent colon cancer.

OK Guys
It may be a April 1 to you,

but we do have a new law that says EVERY car you own must be taxed and insured or given an off road notice. This include collections, multi car owners etc.
Laugh as much as you can but we have it in writing from the Dept of vehicle Licensing, including the 1000 pound fine for non compliance

Gerry, the articles were most certainly a hoax. But you do have serious concerns.

By the letter of the covenants and restrictions in the condo community where I live, I cannot assemble, disassemble or perform any mechanical repairs (outside of basic maintenance) on any vehicles. It is also a violation of the CC&R to perform oil changes or simple tune-ups in the driveway (Gerry, what you might call a lane) leading to my garage. All work has to take place inside the garage.

If you own a boat or a camper (Gerry, think caravan), it cannot be stored within the community, even if it will fit inside your garage.

There is an ordinance in this city that all vehicles must be properly registered for the current year, if they are sitting on your property. So if you find a classic car sitting in barn, purchase it and haul it to your home, you have to go to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and transfer the title into your name and purchase license plates for it. Even if it sits in a garage and is out of sight, it has to be registered. I cannot recall the exact count (10 days, I ~think~), but you are not allowed to leave a vehicle sitting on your property beyond a specified time limit without driving it as demonstration the vehicle is in good, running order. If you don't drive the car, it gets towed.

We now have a new ordinance (and you're going to love this one) that just went into effect a couple weeks back. If your vehicle is sitting in a public area, the police have the right to verify the vehicle is properly locked. If you have left the car unlocked, they issue you a warning for creating a possible car theft risk. If your vehicle is locked, but the police can see valuables left in the car, pieces of mail left in the car, closed and unmarked boxes in the car or you have left a cell phone, garage door opener or a GPS device visible in the car, you get a warning for creating a possible car vandalism risk. There are no fines or operator's license restrictions associated with these warnings. Yet. Can you imagine we cannot control gangs and drugs in this city, but we can pay police officers to go nosing about vehicles sitting out in the open? :rolleyes: I wonder, if someone happens to break a window out of my locked vehicle and steals it, will I be able to issue a warning to the local police department for failure to provide a safe environment for me to live in? Aye. Right.

I'll not go into a rant about how we somehow manage to elect and re-elect public officials who continue to erode away our personal freedoms. :soapbox:

So believe me, Gerry, I feel your pain.
There is some stuff going on. A friend has a car lifted from outside his work unit. And I do mean lifted on to a truck. There was a company opposite with state of the art surveillance cameras running 24/7, got every detail of the truck, people and theft. Guess what...
The cops did nt want to know. Do 33mph in a 30 limit and they send you a fine, as if you have committed the crime of the decade.
Whole system is going to c**p. Easy to pick on the honest ones and let the criminals get away with it.
What can you do?
There is some stuff going on. A friend has a car lifted from outside his work unit. And I do mean lifted on to a truck. There was a company opposite with state of the art surveillance cameras running 24/7, got every detail of the truck, people and theft. Guess what...
The cops did nt want to know. Do 33mph in a 30 limit and they send you a fine, as if you have committed the crime of the decade.
Whole system is going to c**p. Easy to pick on the honest ones and let the criminals get away with it.
What can you do?

Here in the states it has become dangerous for an officer to make a traffic violation stops so there seems to be some unwritten rules that are used;

Target white middle class citizens in well kept vehicles, especially females and seniors during the day (the odds favor that their license, insurance and registration will most likely be up to date and are less likely to contest the ticket

Avoid minorities, older and vehicles in less that good condition, especially after dark (who needs to deal with no insurance, improper registrations and lack of a driver's license?)

Stop teenagers, especially those that look like new drivers (they can be easily intimidated and the parents will pay the fine)

ALWAYS CALL FOR BACKUP (just in case you misread the situation and broke the above rules)


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