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Confederate Flag

The Progressives have a whole grab bag of leftist issues that are just waiting for the right opportunity. They've been salivating over this one for decades.

The tenth rule of the ethics of rules and means is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral arguments. …the essence of Lenin’s speeches during this period was “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.” And it was.
— P.36-37 Saul Alinsky; Rules for Radiacals

I guess we all have the right to do what we want as long as it ain't hurtin anybody else. WELL it's making me sick

But it is hurting. The Commie bastards are systematically destroying ours, our children's and grand children's way of life.

Every single week for the last 7 years there's been a new issue pushed by the left wing psychos. One thing after another. So overwhelmingly so, that folks eventually just zone out.

This Confederate flag thing is the latest. Next week it'll be something else.

Bite by bite. They're devouring our wonder nation.
How many of you are familiar with Rahm Emanuel's brother, Ezekiel. Yeah, ol' Zeke was the one who went on record as saying it is well past time to eliminate the 'useless eaters' from the face of this earth. For those of us with impaired family members, don't Zeke's words just warm the cockles of your heart?

I want to know where the line gets drawn on this nonsense. OK, I am offended by that restaurant with the rocking chairs on their front step, and it's racist name. I demand that corporation immediately change the name of their restaurant to Caucasian Barrel, because the word 'cracker' offends me.

And since we now have to eliminate all symbols of the War Between the States, then it is well past time to get rid of the New York Yankees, because that's another offensive word, from the same time period.

And just keep focusing on all this useless offal, because no one wants you paying attention to the real matters at hand. Just wait until the RINOs all rubber-stamp TPP's up/down vote, since that is now the only hurdle left.

Here, check this video out. Mr. Charisma, along with a military official wearing a lot of fruit salad, that doesn't bat an eye at what his Commander-in-Chief had to say -

Did you catch what he actually said? I have to laugh, when Odumbo says U.S. intervention in the Middle East will not be quick. Tell us something we did not already know. The Dick Cheneys of this world are making far too much money for the process to ever be sped up. And when you start wondering why Middle Easterners hate the U.S., imagine this little scenario - imagine that at the height of the nastiness in Ferguson, or in Philadelphia, that the European Union would have sent E.U. peace-keeping forces, complete with tanks, planes, and missile launchers, into this country, to keep both sides moderated. Tell me, what would that action have done for your opinion of the E.U.? (Is it safe to start simply referring to the E.U. as Germany, yet, or is Chancellor Merkel not in favor of that?)

2016 should prove to be an interesting campaign year. Personally (and yes, this is going out on a limb), I think Hilldog's e-mail issues have screwed her best chances to gain the White House. Bernie Sanders is saying what people want to hear, but Hilldog still has a war chest that Sanders cannot even imagine. So, can Hilldog still manage to buy the White House? What other Dem hopeful is electable? Maybe Hilldog's campaign slogan can be, "You don't have any other choice!" :x3:

And look at the GOP side of the table. Everyone is pressing panic buttons, because Trump is ranking second, but they all forget that when there are 14 possible candidates, Number Two just isn't that big a deal. Trump is seeing numbers similar to Sanders, and his racist comments will have him buried by the end of the month. What happened to everyone's fair-haired boy, Rand Paul? Oh. Yeah. Rand decided to drop his thin veil of Libertarianism, and after that, he crashed and burned. And look at the GOP front-runner, who is now on his hind legs, trying to keep himself so separate from his family, that his campaign is simply titled, "Jeb". Ben Carson seems to talk a good talk, but he has zero political experience. Ted Cruz? Chris Christie? Scott Walker? Get serious, puhleeze. Laugh if you will, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn the Clintons are funding Trump's alleged 'campaign'. When the GOP fronted McCain and Palin in 2008, it quickly became clear someone (<cough>George<cough>Soros<cough>) was buying a victory for Odumbo.

The sad part about all of this is everyone fell in love with Rand Paul, early on. He was making sounds that people identified with his father (who likely would have been an excellent President, had the media not steam-rolled him). What John Q. TV-Dinner doesn't understand is those policies are not GOP policies, those are Libertarian policies. And since poor John can no longer see a division between the Dems and the GOP (because it no longer exists), he focuses so much on that, he fails to hear anything about the Libertarian movement. And any time it looks like some of the confusion might get cleared up, we have another AME church catch fire, or another alleged mass-shooting, or someone gets their knickers in a knot about a historic American battle flag. Uhhhh, how have people managed to forget that the citizens of the former Confederate states are still Americans.

Did anyone see the news that California has now joined New Mexico and Hawaii, as states where Caucasians are no longer the largest percentage of citizens? It's Orientals in Hawaii, and Latinos in New Mexico and Cali. No? You missed that one? Too busy watching coverage about the Confederate flag, you say?

But hey, flip back over to CNN, and listen to their tripe. Else you might see how quickly your rights and liberties are being eroded away. Just remember, when TPP goes into effect, there will be no way to ever get the toothpaste back into the tube.

Just a quick heads up, and let those with ears hear - if you still have firearms in your homes, those better be the ones you are prepared to hand over to the authorities. If you have firearms you intend to keep, you better have them buried somewhere secure. Huh? What?!? Was that a knock at the door...?

To save all of us from having to crowd into the same hand basket, for the ride to perdition, maybe we could hire a bus to take all of us? :whistling:

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