Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Track T-4 got a picture in the latest issue of STREETSCENE, the monthly publication of the NSRA. Way to go Bruce!

Thanks for noticing Ex Junk. I was restoring the car over the past year and York was my goal - the first outing with the car . THANKS to your help and others on these forums we made it there and the T-Bucket Nationals! :clap::clap::clap:

We had a super four days in York, PA cruising the grounds and the area. There were abourt 3,600 streetrods (pre-1948) at the fairgrounds this year and I was surprised how many Buckets attended. It would be great to see more T's there next year. My wife took photos of several of the Buckets and I hope to get them posted here one of these days.

Two shows last weekend plus a cruise-in and show this weekend.....great to be on the road! :D

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