Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Cost of paint job

Not to me. Do it your self. Even if you mess up, just sand and repaint. No where near that cost. I know you're not a painter, but better to try and fail than never try at all and be proud of what you've accomplished. JMTCW
A friend just painted a rail buggy and he used Rustolium and added hardner and thinner and was very happy with it. Flowed out nice dried fast and is very hard. Used 3 parts paint 2 parts thinner 1 part hardner. Cost about $20.
@$3500 that's probably not a pro shop , so your results may vary . Some colors/paints are that price alone . Do your due diligence , find out what materials , how much for labor. At that price at a shop you're only looking at about 20 hours labor , that's pretty much a wipe down and spray .....can you say "earl schieb"
You pretty much get what you pay for unless you simply overpay, which happens a lot. Typically heard at a car show..... "Be careful, that's a $15,000 paint job on that car!!!" No, it is a $6000 paint job that you paid $15,000 for.
Sprayers I know says that a chassis is a pain in the butt to paint. Lots of paint for little area. Getting all around a chassis, in the corners, under and over, side to side etc. Not like a body where you sweep from side to side with a wide fan and cover it in minutes.

I did mine in cellulose as I'm old school and the chassis was a pain. By the time you cover one part and turned it over the over spray had already started to go off. Just have to keep moving and use thin paint for the wet coat so all the different angles etc will blend. Best way is to mount the chassis on a rotisserie.

Sprayed the body in 1/4 of the time it took to do the chassis.

chassis paint.JPG
Sprayers I know says that a chassis is a pain in the butt to paint. Lots of paint for little area. Getting all around a chassis, in the corners, under and over, side to side etc. Not like a body where you sweep from side to side with a wide fan and cover it in minutes.

I did mine in cellulose as I'm old school and the chassis was a pain. By the time you cover one part and turned it over the over spray had already started to go off. Just have to keep moving and use thin paint for the wet coat so all the different angles etc will blend. Best way is to mount the chassis on a rotisserie.

Sprayed the body in 1/4 of the time it took to do the chassis.

View attachment 15344

I used 2 engine stands that I made brackets for that went through bolt holes to mount the frame on so it would not show when painted. Turned body upside down on plastic sheeting and sprayed under side and let dry for 2 days. Then sat body right side up on 4 -- 5 gallon buckets and sprayed it and left for 2 days.. Used hardener in paint and has been good except for some chips and no extra to touch up.
body underside in yellow (2) [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG

Couple of trellis worked for me

body in yellow5 (3) [640x480] (2015_11_13 11_07_31 UTC).JPG
It depends on what this paint job intails. If it’s a disassembly, prep, paint, reassembly, it might be fair... if it’s just a tub spray, I don’t think so. You could buy the tools, material, and pay a helper for less. That’s a lot for a quart of paint... Get other estimates, look at their work, talk to their customers.

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