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Crusin' Just Got Cheaper

Johnny Angel

New Member
Gas prices down in southern Missouri....3.07 a gallon for regular or super unlead at Caseys...down from 3.89 two weeks the big question is where to cruise to.

When I had my T it could be a little hard on the butt sometimes so I planned trips that would give me many stopping off points along the way. With that in mind Tulsa has some nice golf courses I played a couple of years ago. I've never been to the casino there but it could be fun. You have some great lakes to the south of you but Grand Lake of the Cherokees in OK is pretty neat. Hang a map on the wall, throw a dart and go where it lands.
Our Southern Cruisers Chapter has a "Six State Cruise" coming up...

"It's possible to visit six states in about 360 miles from Memphis.

Let's start Saturday October 18th at 08:30 from the Exxon convenience store about a half mile east of I-55 on State Line Road.

That's Mississippi. North on I-55 to Arkansas and Missouri, then east on I-57 and US 60 to clip the tail of Illinois and on to drop down US 51 through Kentucky and Tennessee. That's 6 states: MS, AR, MI, IL, KY and TN. This is a serious slab ride of about 360 miles, a little over 7 hours saddle time.

We'll get in about 6:30 and stop at Zinnies East in Midtown. They have steak night on Saturdays, and we'll need some red meat after all that riding.

This is the second 6-state run, and there is a patch available: rsvp to this thread of you want to reserve one for a $10 donation to St Jude."

Would love to do it in the Bucket rather than on the bike, just because I can.
If you are heading over to the grand Lake of the Cherokee In OK a great place to visit while you are there is Daryl Starbirds hot rod museum in Afton OK just on the edge of the lake, lots of custom and hot rods...several bucket style vehicles there too, one I remember is a bucket that looks like a barber chair. We use to go over to his house for a car show every year but he has not hosted it in several years kinda miss going there it was not a huge show, but all of the old customizers would come in for the event, Barris, Cushingberry, Windfield, the Roth boys, Bill Hines, Eldon Titus, just like regular folks they would sit around and shoot the breeze all day long.

Johnny Angel

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