Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Do not try this at home....


Active Member
Hmmmm, spinning saw blade and a finger.....
No, it doesn't get cut off...
[ame=[media=youtube]E3mzhvMgrLE[/media] - SAWSTOP in TimeWarp[/ame]
I have been a professional cabinet maker and have owned my own shop for over 30 years. In that time I have probably employed 200 people. We currently have 4 table saws, sometimes we have 5. With that much equipment and that many people the opportunity accidents is tremendous. How many people have we had hurt in 30 years? Zero. Not one. It is all due to training, focus and concentration. I start every training lesson by telling the rookie that a table saw does only one thing - it makes a blade rotate in a circle. You can turn it on and leave it on all day, and it will not chase you around the shop, it will not follow you home, nothing. It will simply sit there and make the blade go around. Everything else that happens is YOUR doing. Everything. The saw is NEVER responsible for an accident. Hence training, focus and concentration, and it does work. We have the track record to prove it.

Here's a crazy idea, use the saw guard it came with and cut out some push sticks. It is a cool invention though.
I always wondered, if this was so great....

why does the inventor use a hot dog instead of his finger? You'd think that just ONE time, with the cameras rolling, and the press all hunkered around, that he would stick his own finger in there. It would be worth the nick the saw blade gives him. THEN I would be completely sold on it.
I saw that demonstrated at a woodworking show over a year ago and when the guy stuck his finger in it 90% of the people turned their heads away. I got a chance to talk with the guy afterward and he admitted that even though he's done it many times and never got hurt he always had to think twice before doing it again.
I might have seen the same guy at our show here in KC, but this time he drew blood. Just a tiny cut... like a pin prick. I was still impressed, having cut about a 1/2" chunk of meat out of my thumb on my table saw a few years ago.

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