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Econoline spindles


New Member
Anybody here running them??

I have a set, complete with drums, etc.
but I don't know about steering arms. I would like to use cross steering if possible.

any help, advise, or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated :)

I have them. I've seen them swapped side for side. But I made my own arms to put the tie-rod behind the axle. I would use '49-'54 Chevy if I had it to do over but use what ya got.
Check the price of a new set of bearings before using either the E-cono's or the chevy's. Then price the '37 to '48 Ford's.
butch27 said:
I have them. I've seen them swapped side for side. But I made my own arms to put the tie-rod behind the axle. I would use '49-'54 Chevy if I had it to do over but use what ya got.

Are the king pin holes the same on the Ford and Chevy spindles??

I am vaselating between running the econolines, or going with something that the parts are more readily available for.

I don't have a lathe, or a vertical mill to bore out the king pin holes.

Thanks for all the info.

With the after market so active with Ford parts, I would advise the '37 to '48 spindles. You have lots of options as far as brakes go, disc's or drums.

Withall due respect to Total, I can't recommend their use of Chevy type spindles. A tie rod is not meant to be a bumper. If they could come up with a dropped spindle arm like the one Chassis Eng. has for the Ford spindles, I would be very impressed. The bearings for these spindles are very spendy. Be sure to check on those prices before buying a set of Chevy spindles.

Another thing to consider here is re-sale value. The Ford spindles are a plus here. People see these used in the magazines so that's what they look for when buying.
Again I agree with Youngster. The Ford Econoline and the Chevy ARE different. So I would use old Ford as stated. The have them now with bolt on steering arms. Worth the money.
The spindles are now officially "For Sale":surprised:

I ordered a set of TP spindles, and steering arms:cool:

Good move Vance. You will thank yourself later.


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