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For Sale Four Items, New In The Box


Well-Known Member
I work at Advance Auto about 10 hours a week and they put several things in the high performance
section on close out prices. I grabbed up 4 items that I though was a good price and now I want to
make the forum a really good price on them. I don't really need them, just wanted to save someone a
few dollars and make a little something for my time.

I would rather not get into shipping, but I will be at the President's Fun Run in Boerne TX on July
9-11. Also be in Maine at the Lobsta Run on September 17-19. Maybe you will be there or know
somebody that will be there. I'm asking that you put down 25% of my asking price to hold them until
they can be picked up. If you don't have a connection to pick up your parts then I will ship them at
cost from the UPS store where I live in Yukon Oklahoma.

B&M Z-Gate Automatic Shifter (3 Speed) Asking $125
Summit Price: $216 + Tax
PN: 80681

ProForm Chevrolet 14" Air Cleaner Asking $50
Summit Price: $82 + Tax
PN: 141-906


Bosch 5 Inch, 10,000 RPM Tachometer Asking $50
Summit Price: $99 + Tax
PN: FST-7900

ProForm Chevrolet Short Valve Covers Asking $35
Summit Price: $68 + Tax
PN: 141-899

I was hoping someone would need a few of these parts. The valve covers are really heavy
compared to stock, so they should seal well. The shifter would save you over a $100 if
you consider there would be no tax.
Surprised folks haven't jumped on these already as appear to be good buys. Maybe, same as I, in that we already have these items. Good luck!
Indy, was hoping you may have been going to OKC for the mini nats. I would get the tach from you there. I see you will be in Texas that weekend.

I'm confused as usual !!! Get the tach from who and who is going to be Texas ?
I must be more confused than you. I thought you had a tach for sale and thought you were going to a run in Texas.:confused: I best go back and read post #1 again. Man, gittin old sucks, but beats the alternative.:(
I must be more confused than you. I thought you had a tach for sale and thought you were going to a run in Texas.
OK, you are right I have a tach and will be in Texas for the Presidents Fun Run. I guess the statement
about the Mini Nats thru me off and I never saw where you said I want the Tach.

All is good now, I will bring it with me to Texas for you.
Oh my, now we are both confused. You are going to Texas and I am going to OKC. You will probably be able to sell it at the run. If you still have it later, maybe we can get together.
Tachometer has been sold.
All items have been sold and shipped.
Thanks for let me know it arrived !

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