As everyone has said....E85 a no-go! Go with the most gas in the blend, As Mike said....the more alky they pump in, the more you gotta use to make the same power.
On alky race motors and Hi-perf. have to fatten your mix up so much, most of the time, you gotta redo your whole fuel system. Especially, bigger lines and a bigger tank.
As one of our gents said...the E blend is hard as hell on a fuel system. NOT ALL CARBS CAN RUN THE MESS!!!! Back in the 70's when they tried the famous alky blending of the gas....there were alot of distorted needles and seats, and gaskets getting ate up. It was a complete mess up....some gaskets don't like the'll melt or make some stuff brittle, too. Some plastics and rubbers don't like ethanol at all.
if your getting a notion of running the and get informed, bigtime!
Just as they're messing with the fuel, you've now been informed of the removal of certain additives in the Motor oils. Yep, thats right folks....most all oils now have towhat I call 'goody' taken out of it, cause the government. 9/10's of those yahoos don't even cut thier own grass, much less checkthey're own oil, why should they be concerned that they'll ruin our engines? They could repower thier buckets every 6 months with thier salaries! Ha!
Its a fact, if you want to get good life outta your motor, you not only have to change your oil, and filter, you now gotta add a good additive now.
For the old die hards in the fuel dept., best to find yourself a small airport and go buy yourself a couple of drums of Green/blue av fuel, and mix in just a touch of oil, cause its so dry, then mix up your own fuel cocktails.
Seems this is gonna be the wave of the future.........