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Future C Cab


New Member
Ok guys here it goes, I have been looking at all the different styles of T's on this site and i really like all of them but I think my favorite is gonna be the C Cab style kinda because you don't see to many and the passenger compartment is more closed. So here's my idea i'm gonna use Youngster's frame design and buy me an aftermarked cowl an fab up the rest of the cab frame with tubing an then cover it in 10, 11 or 12 gauge steel with working doors and maybe even roll up windows. I know that sounds industryous but its something to do, I guess my question is if i used a duvall type windshield and grafted the c part of the cab into it do you think it would come off looking stupid.
Sounds like a fun and cool project. The only thing that makes most builds miss is proportions. You have to step back and look at things constantly, some times along ways back. When I did my Model A, I thought everything was cool, had a picture of the side and saw huge problem that I never noticed before.
A fellow named Ken Thurm from another forum who builds some really incredible projects said,

...This is how this starts for me. It may look like any '32 but it has certain parts drawn into it with the look I want. This isn't that expensive to do, it cost $200.00. But for me it keeps me on track with the original idea...
So might be a good idea to work with someone to but your concepts to paper and then you can decide if it's the look you want for your ride... Just food for thought.
OptimusPrime said:
Ok guys here it goes, I have been looking at all the different styles of T's on this site and i really like all of them but I think my favorite is gonna be the C Cab style kinda because you don't see to many and the passenger compartment is more closed. So here's my idea i'm gonna use Youngster's frame design and buy me an aftermarked cowl an fab up the rest of the cab frame with tubing an then cover it in 10, 11 or 12 gauge steel with working doors and maybe even roll up windows. I know that sounds industryous but its something to do, I guess my question is if i used a duvall type windshield and grafted the c part of the cab into it do you think it would come off looking stupid.

There is a place where you can get replacement steel C-cab parts:D
I believe it is Langs.
I have a catalog from them at home......but of course.....I'm not home now:sad: if'n ya want, I can get the web site for you, or you might Google Langs

I'm building a C-cab myself. I'm using a TP frame.

10ga steel wow, most car bodies are made of 22 ga metal. 18ga aluminum would be a good choice. jmo. good luck with your project and keep us posted...:cool:...Francis
The Duval windshield would not be very compatible with a T cowl nor a C Cab. C Cabs require a very tall windshield unless to can chop the entire body.

However, you can build it however your want it. I built mine from a Spirit cowl and birch wood. IT IS NOT A C CAB, it is a depot hack.

I applaud folks who want to do something different. Many people shook their heads about my car until they saw it. I will help you any way I can.

Rotten did a metal C Cab and it turned out PHENOMINAL.

google search for Rotten's C Cab and you'll find

Rotten Roberts '15 C-Cab
Thanks for all the input fella's I will be picking your brains when the time comes. I found a picture of Rod Stovall's C Cab in the NTBA site I really like the short truck design of his and I think I am gonna base my design on his. Ceec you are correct the duvall will not look right unless you recurve the c part of the cab to match the rake of the windshield and thats what I have been playing with on my drawings the opening would be more rackish and smaller but will still retain the shape of what its supposed to look like. I am more than likely gonna fab the cab frame out of tubing and cover that so i can make it any size i want as long as it stays true to the look i have in my head, anyway the expertize here is unbelievable and I value all of your opionions greatly. Many Thanks to all that replied and I will keep the progress comming. My garage is full at the moment but will be finished with the current project soon I am in the process of getting all the material an parts together for the C project now I can hardly wait I want to can the current but got to much into it to store it out in the weather as I only have one garage.
I wonder who makes the headers on this woodie. I like the style of them.

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