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Give yourselves a pat on the back


Well-Known Member
I sat down today to clean up some of the daily records I keep on my Web sites. And frankly, after compiling all the data for The T-Bucket Forums, I am really impressed. And more than a little amazed. Remember, this was a hobby site I was secretly hoping would some day have as many as 250 members.

On 15 May 2011, we had 81072 posts and 2413 members. Today, 15 May 2012, we have 95432 posts and 2895 members. And keep in mind that during the conversion from Invision Power Board to XenForo, there were 511 posts and 29 members jettisoned. Had we not lost that dead weight, our numbers would be just that much higher. We've had a real increase of 14,360 new posts in the last 366 days, with a real membership increase of 486 new members, during that same time period. Almost twice as many members in just one year as I was hoping to ever see in total!

I don't like to give away all the trade secrets and numbers, but I want everyone to see a graphic representation of our overall monthly traffic numbers, since January 2011.


With the exception of just two months, every month in the last 16 has re-set a new overall traffic record. We had a slump in August of last year, which I am still trying to figure out. And in February of this year, we saw another slump. But that one was pretty easy to take, because taking the average traffic count for the 29 days of February and adding just one more day to that month, it would have been a new record, as well. For Month 17, which is this month, I've taken the average traffic for the first 14 days, 8 hours of this month and projected that out for the entire month, to show what May's traffic is already looking like.

I'm a little frustrated over some internal problems with XenForo, the company that develops the forum software we're using. But the software is working really well from an admin's point of view and since the conversion, the numbers of members who are logging in each day has increased by a little over 22%, so it seems all of you are satisfied, as well. So I'm trying to keep a 'glass half-full' attitude about the software and keep moving forward with it.

I've always said this site is all about and also all because of every one of its members. I never dreamed this site would grow like as it has. And it has grown because of each one of you. So, as the title of the thread says, give yourselves a big pat on the back. We'll be celebrating our 6th anniversary on 21 October of this year and that's because of what all of you have done over those years, to create such an amazing community of T-Bucket fans. Congratulations, everyone!
Thanks for all your efforts with the site, great work. You deserve a pat on the back from each member. It would be difficult keeping my T on the road without the help of several of the members on here. Well done!
Great googly moogly has it been six years already? Wow. Seems like just yesterday some guy named Fred started building a hot rod called Miss Behavin' :)
Wow thats great,, But a hat's off to Mike as well for keeping it running so great !
It would be interesting to look back and see which posts received the most hits. I think I know the answer!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean outside the lounge, Right?:whistling:
Great job Mike!!! You have put your heart and soul into this site and the numbers reflect that. You have built a quality site and that is easy to spot from a window shoppers view. Your site has attracted and retained knowledgeable members that offer honest opinions when people ask for help. This site also has the best sponsors that want to help people out with their builds as well before, during and after the sale. Keep up the great work and I thank you for offering this site and making it what it is.
Oh, and as far as August being a slow month with no real reason. I'll take the hit on that one, I joined :D
Thanks for the info Mike and your why this thing is going so good............Thanks lets do another 6 years.........

Oh, and as far as August being a slow month with no real reason. I'll take the hit on that one, I joined
:laugh: OK, that's August's bad results down to you.

It's always kind of insane, watching these numbers. I have nearly a dozen performance metrics I record each morning. And just about the time I think I'm seeing a trend, everything goes wonky and obliterates my projections. We typically see heavier traffic in the first 4 - 5 days of each month and the last 4 - 5 days of the month. But then we'll have a handful of days suddenly pop up in the middle of the month, where numbers jump way up.

Post counts will run a nearly straight line across the graph and then they suddenly drop like a stone. And then come right back to normal again. Then we'll see a day when the average post count is better than doubled. The same things happen with the active users count. But I have been seeing a trend in active users that is gratifying. And I thank the ease of use in this XenForo software for it, because shortly after we converted to it, we started seeing more users logging in each day. I had always felt the Invision user interface was pretty simple to use, until I started using XenForo regularly. And it seems our members felt the same way. Some members who were rarely seen during the Invision era (debacle?) are logging in regularly and also posting regularly. As i mentioned, there are some current concerns with the team over at XenForo, but as long as their software is working this well, I'm not going to spend much time worrying about it.

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