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Help me pick out a set of fenders


New Member
I can't sleep tonight.:mad: In all the excitement of working on my boat car, it keeps me awake durning the weekends planning future parts. The past several days, I've run into a problem I can't resolve. The boat car needs front fenders, but I can't pick a set.

I like how this looks, except for the hidden head lights.


I'm stuck between the 30-31 A fenders, the 32 Ford front fenders, 34 Dodge fenders, or even the 33 Master front fenders found here:

Speedway Motors - Product Summary

Some modification will be needed no matter which ones I get, but what I'm looking for is something that when painted blue gives the illusion of the boat cutting through water. You can help me decide what ones and why I should want them.
Man what a "kick-in-the-pants" machine and what a display of talent both artistic and mechanical. Fantastic job. Don't have a clue on the fenders, but certainly want to see the progress photos.

Ron H.
Not to put another option in but the 33-34 fenders might look cool wth your deep V with the fenders meeting in the front.
Regarding the car pic above, the best I've been able to come up with, it is a Fiat concept car that ended up in a European museum. If anybody knows anything else about that car, let me know.

This Anheuser-Busch "Bevo-Boat" of the 1930's is also similar to the look I'm going for.

Antique Warehouse

If any of you run across any pictures of inspiration, I could use them. My boat car will seat 4 and might end up seating 6. I've got many details to still work out, like the front fenders, battery placement, interior, windshield, light placement, bumpers, and so on. I'm really grateful for the incouragement, pictures and advice.
Hmmm, that 1933 Roadster might be the look to go for.


1932 Ford:


1934 Dodge:


1933 Chevrolet:

:sos:Don't be shy guys, I could use some input here. :hooray: Besides it is raining and I'm bored, so let's start from the beginning.

This was the boat before its demise. :rifle:


Here is the boat hacked into pieces. :wacky:




Where the boat is red and white in these pictures, I plan to keep red and white. I'm thinking International Tractor Red. The fenders, frame and bottom will be Ford Tractor Blue. Vote now and tell me what works best. Some modification will be necessary no matter which fenders I get, but I enjoyed the last time I worked with fiberglass anyway. Please don't tell me that :sux::please:

Thanks Putz, I couldn't find a picture of the Bevo Boat that wasn't copywrited. There is a great link in my first post you should check out.

Antique Warehouse
The Bevo Boat's fenders are pretty close to the 33 Chevrolet. It is time to narrow down the choices.

33 Ford or 33 Chevrolet?
I think the 33 pic that jbisme sent, resembles the wake at the bow very good. White paint on the blue could represent the froth of the water. Maybe pictures of an actual boat wake will spawn an idea. As the fenders sprout from under the bow could be flatter up to the apex and then roll off to cover the tires. This would be more of a high speed wake.

Railroad, that is exactly what is pictured in my head. So would that be the 33 Ford or 33 Chevy?

Rooster, thanks for the link! So, when are you going to take me to Iola? You're buying, right? I can free up my schedule starting this Wednesday. :cool:

Some steel fenders would be great, but it would break my heart if I had to modify them to fit. At least the fiberglass ones, I can hack away without thinking twice about it.

I was also thinking the hood and fenders would become one unit, that way it would be easier to work on with the hood and fenders out of the way.

Something like this: 4 Sale/SA701149.JPG
rooster57 said:
Jbis this is a good resource for just what u r lookin for and not to far from you.
Model T Haven
I have been there and that guy is very proud of his stuff, if you know what I mean. I think you'll get a much better value with fiberglass .
Lee, I must have spent an hour on the Model T salvage yard website. I'm impressed with his collection of parts. But a guy would want to build an authentic older car, or insisted on a steel bucket in order to buy from him. It was fun viewing the website and I want to go have a look sometime. But for my project, I just don't feel right about chopping up steel fenders.

Now if Rooster wants, I'm sure there are all kinds of things he can buy for me...:)

In abscence of more people voting for their favorite, this 33 Chevrolet Master, helped me decide. My late uncle will have to forgive me for putting aftermarket Chevy parts on his truck. So Speedway had better keep these fenders in stock when I have the money to buy 'em.


They look like they'll give the best illusion of a water wake.

one small comment. either fender will look good if done right, but "I" would cut about a foot na half out of the frame and shortn the but so it's closer to the stock lenth of the boat. as Ted says, just me
Jmr, have you been talking behind my back? I can't find where Ted said to cut 1.5 feet off of the frame.:razz:

I have not decided to do that yet. :think: I've considered cutting the frame down where it ends at the end of the leaf springs, which would be close to 1.5 feet; but I'm also making the boat body wider than it originally was. It will be shorter once that ugly truck bumper goes. But for now, I'm waiting to make that decision until after I build the floor frame. It is always easier to cut material off than it is to put it back on and it will become obvious to the world if it is too long. :)

I will pose that question to the board when the 1 inch tube floor frame is welded together. :thumbsup:

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