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Help! question about selling my T


New Member
Hello, 1st off, I love my 23 T. But I need to find something that will fit 3 or more. I need more room for family!!!

Anyway I have been trying to sell it for a few months on many diffrent site's and have had very little intrest.

Questions: Am I priced to High ($9,300)?

What could I change to make it better?

Any Idea's would be appreciated.

Thanks Ron

That looks like a good price and a nice car to me. I would say it is a market related problem. Nobody has any money right now.
The price seems good to me. I'm sure it will sell. Sometimes takes awhile to fnd the next caretaker.

Ron, that 330 area code is where I moved from in Canfield, Ohio. Where might you be located?

I think it's a good looking bucket and I believe it's priced right. I think I read in another thread that you're in the Chicago area. The problem could be that fall is approaching and the season for T-Buckets is coming to and end here. I helped a friend shop for a bucket a couple of years ago. We found fewer and higher priced cars in the spring and a larger selection and cheaper priced cars in the fall. Some people just don't want to buy a car then have to store it for 5-6 months before they can really enjoy it.
Thanks, Guys. I thought it was the economy and time of year but was not sure. I will just keep trying and maybe sell it in the spring. My cell is an Ohio # (Work) but I live in south sub's of chicago. Thanks for the reply's

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