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Hey from the Northeast corner of Maryland along the Mason-Dixon Line

Jim Harkins

New Member
I am new to the forum. I purchased a T-bucket in Mo. , drove out a few weeks ago and picked the girl up. It was a build in the mid seventies and has sat in a collection for 3 years or so. The carb was pretty gummed up and I am in the process of putting a new one on, dumping all the fluids and getting the old girl in running order. I stumbled onto the forum as I was seeking information about ideas to place steps on the Rod, to make the get in easier for a baby boomer and his wife. I see the value and wisdom of folks who have been there and done that, so I am looking forward to asking the usual dumb questions of a newbie. This the 2nd car in my collection, I also enjoy a 1991 Corvette Coupe, with a new crate motor I put in, and a 2013 Road Glide. I have ridden a Harley in all of the lower 48 states. So here's a hello from the free state!
Welcome from northern Illinois
HOLY COW That things is an awesome time capsule! I love it, right down to the Molly Hatchet reference across the back! VERY COOOOOOL! It has a demanding presence about it as well. Very well done ride! I hope to see it around!
HOLY COW That things is an awesome time capsule! I love it, right down to the Molly Hatchet reference across the back! VERY COOOOOOL! It has a demanding presence about it as well. Very well done ride! I hope to see it around!

Also, Maybe you would want to add a removable steering wheel kit to make it even easier to get in and out of.....
Hey good point, I guess like a lot of buckets it can be a pain to get in and out. Tonight I drove it to a local restaurant just over the line in Pa and backed it into a parking spot near the road. I went in and happened to look out the window to about 5 guys standing around it taking pictures. I guess that is what having a hot rod is all about, when others enjoy it as much as you do!
Hey good point, I guess like a lot of buckets it can be a pain to get in and out. Tonight I drove it to a local restaurant just over the line in Pa and backed it into a parking spot near the road. I went in and happened to look out the window to about 5 guys standing around it taking pictures. I guess that is what having a hot rod is all about, when others enjoy it as much as you do!

hahaha get used to that. The worst is when they are driving next to you, leaning over to get a picture. All the while slowly moving over into your lane!
Before cell phones I had a rubbernecker riding along looking at my long car and didn't notice the traffic in his lane stopped 'til he heard it!

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