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Home Made Model T Hood?


Hey, Guys!
Has any metal bangers in the group
made a Model T hood from sheet metal?

Let me know, :confused:
I haven't, but maybe I can help answer any questions that you may have about the forming process.

Mr. Fixit
I haven't done one myself, yet. A freind who has says a neiborhood power pole works great. He said start with a cardboard pattern. leave enough at the front and back edges to fold under for reinforcement. He said he had a path worn through the grass to the pole by the time it was done. Lots of back and forth. Try it and bend a little.
I made one for the 22 speedster at the jr hi shop where a friend taught metal shop. I had an original 17 touring in the back shop so I made a paper pattern then made a one piece hood for just the top. I used the slip roller and tightened one end down to make the front follow the rad shell then slid the hood over and readjusted the slip roller for the side bends.. if you are using 20 gage you can form it over different sizes of pipe.
Thanks everyone!

I feel ready to get to work
on the hood! Can anyone tell
me what gauge steel they used?
(12, 16, 24, etc?)

Many Thanks,
For the info! :D
Great work!
Now it's my turn.....:o

It's not difficult. I made a pattern from poster cardboard, laying out the center line and working from there. The metal, .063" 3003 aluminum, was bent over an oxygen cylinder, my knee, and whatever else of suitable radius that was laying around the shop. The bottom edge has a lip folded under at 90 to which the side panels attach. The trick to bending it without precision equipment is to be able to feel the metal yield, without going too far with the bend.


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