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ideas for body mounting?


New Member
Does anybody have any pictures for my following situation.. 27 roadster body is wider than my frame.. my car is channeled 3 inches and since my car is lowered so much the trans and drive shaft are above the top of the frame so I can't make the floor out of one piece going from side to side and just fiberglass it to the inside edges.. I was thinking about making two wings that get glassed to the edge and just go to the inside edge of the frame ontop.. I don't know how sturdy this would be? Andy pics or idead..I know eveybody that has a fiberglass body and a small frame has been thru this
here are a few pictures of how I solved the same problem of a lowered car.







Holy #### that looks great.... are those angled gussets for support from the floor to the inside of the body? How many did you use
If you follow Jim's excellent example your driveshaft tunnel will become your structural connection between the 2 sides. 'glass the tunnel to the floor on both sides and in turn to the sides of the body and you're home free. I would suggest a bulkhead behind the seat also. You could even make the tunnel a pick out this way.

Dam, ExJunk has it going on! Thats the way to do it! You could also use a piece of cattle panel, form it, cut it to fit, then glass over the top of it.

makes for being creative in the pedal compartment!
If you check out the fifth picture you will see that the tunnel is made to be removable. There is a step type flange so that the bottom side of the body is finished as smooth as the top side.


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