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In Print

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New Member
Is there any possibility of you creating a printed version? I would like a copy on paper even if you were to just print it and put it in a binder that would be great. The only reason I ask is because it is copy written and most places will not print it and I would like to be able to read it at work where I don't have access to a computer.
Is there any chance?
Can you just print it out yourself and punch some holes in it and make your own book? It would be real handy to take to the shop to work with. Then if a few pages get dirty or messed up, just reprint and replace.
isn't it 250 pages? seems like a lot of ink and a place like officemax or kinkos probably wouldn't print it because it's copy written
isn't it 250 pages? seems like a lot of ink and a place like officemax or kinkos probably wouldn't print it because it's copy written

Sorry for the delayed response.
We chose the eBook format for a number of reasons:
  1. Delivery is virtually immediate, as opposed to print.
  2. Shipping alone for a print version would cost almost as much as the $9.99 for the eBook and would take a minimum of 2-3 days and more likely 7-10.
  3. Paper and ink costs and if we had it printed and bound would incur a significant investment in "books" that would have to be stored somewhere. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, printing cost per book gets much cheaper as the volume you purchase goes up. What that means is if we were to have a print run that would give us good enough cost to offer at an affordable price for everyone it would mean tieing up big bucks as inventory depletes.
  4. Also, somebody would have to package each book and arrange to have shipped.
In essence, printing is a major cost and pain. We would probably have to charge $50 or more for a print edition of a relatively low volume specialty publication like Chester's.
We're doing this on a shoestring. However, if success warrants it we will certainly look at the possibility of a print edition.

Hope this helps explain it and thanks for your continued support.

The way I printed mine was every time I was at the computer during the day I'd pring out another 10 or 15 pages. it didn't really take much effort on my part, and was done in only a few days time.

USPS has a $3.99 shipping thing that I've used before, but the cost of paper and toner usually puts the cost of printing a book (one at a time on home office equipment) out of reach of most people.

I'd say I could print 250 pages on my duplex laser for a cost of around 5 cents a page... and that doesn't include the cost of the machine. So around 8 dollars just for paper, toner, drum unit (consumables) cost, plus around $400 for the machine.

THEN add on another 4 bucks for shipping at the least, you have to understand that an extremely small run of Printed books would be cost prohibitive.

NOW, if you had a friend that happened to have access to a nice Laser printer and wouldn't mind doing some printing for you, then I'd wonder if it would be ok for that friend to print it for you without breaking any laws????
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