Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Interior againsta Rain and Water


Hello everybody, here in Brazil we have problems with the weathers and don't have t-bucket roofs to sell. Because this, we have some problems with the seats. Anybody used some product against water in the seats? Did work?
Here in Florida we have almost daily afternoon showers from May through September. To combat this, I carry a small fold up plastic poncho for me and a LARGE plastic trash bag for the seat.

That's what I was thinkin, too, Ron. My other reason to use the marine vinyl was to help keep sun rays from fading out the vinyl.
I might add that my interior is of marine vinyl also. With almost 7 years of exposure to the Florida sun there is absolutely no fading. It looks as good today as the day that it was completed.

We carry a larger umbrella with us all the time. The wife likes it for protection from the sun and when it starts raining I stab it in the steering wheel and hook a bungee cord to it for rain protection.
You silly guys, that is for when you are parked. My car is so fast the rain can't get inside when I'm driving.... :)
If you DRIVE IT it is gonna get wet. Just use marine grade vinyl and always carry a towel and a rain suit, like I do. Water will drain from the holes already in the floor. Floor should not be sealed water tight.
Wet? Hmmm... Yep! As said before, use a marine vinyl and marine carpet and you'll be in good shape. I usually take a towel and a spare shirt. As fordsbyjay said, if you're driving you get less wet. I tried the rainsuit/poncho thing once, but would rather just towel off and change shirts when I get wherever I'm going. I've learned on my last few long distance trips that I wear athletic self-wicking tops. they stay cooler when driving and dry off much quicker. Another tip is have a pair of clear glasses to wear when raining - sunglasses can get too dark . I also take a cover or tarp with me on overnight trips like the powertour to avoid the interior being like bathtub in the am.
Wet? Hmmm...

Yep, Dayton, Ohio was like that when I left the T=Bucket Nationals! Thunder and lightning also, at 5:30 am Sunday morning!!
And it looks like you need a waterproof camera too! :whistling:
Well, you could always get some of that RainX, keep a gallon in your Trunk with a paintbrush, just slap some on as needed.
One of my customers in Ca. has a convertible top cut down that fit on a Triumph TR7 to his TBucket Body. Looks good with the top buttoned up, though he says when the wind is whipping the top slaps against his head.
He even has the window flaps that snap to the inside of the body with a flap that goes over edge to keep water out.
Haha, just like a motorbike! RainX for the windshield and clear glasses :)
Up here in WinterWonderland, I used to drive my old army Jeep without the top; my 5 year old daughter loved it with her snowmobile suit and away we would go! Now the T doesn't get too much winter action as the darn thing is only 2wd!
Cheers, and enjoy!

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