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Is he watching you


Well-Known Member

In spite of just how outrageous all of this is, I guess introducing a bit of levity won't hurt.

For years, people have laughed and scoffed at my refusal to run the Microsoft Windows operating system. Since April 2008, people have howled, screamed and hurled obscenities at me, because I chose to block freebie e-mail services, such as Hotmail, Live and Outlook.

And who is smiling, now?

PRISM Pulled Microsoft Deep Into NSA Rabbit Hole

People, I've been trying to warn you away from Microsoft, for several years. I've tried to tell you to avoid Hotmail and But you have refused to listen and have refused to install a faster, more stable and most importantly, more secure operating system alternative to that piece of spyware known as Windows.

And look where that has landed you. Your mere willingness to run the Windows operating system has resulted in Microsoft selling you off to the NSA.

How Microsoft Handed the NSA Access to Encrypted Messages

Here is how much Microsoft can be trusted - they handed over the encryption scheme for, before the service ever launched!!!

I advise people against using cloud storage, for anything of any importance. I do use Dropbox as a means to transfer files and photos, but I do not upload any secure documents or files to the service. I know, I know, it seems as if everyone is touting the 'benefits' of the cloud, but I want to remind you that anything stored on a cloud service is at the mercy of whoever owns the cloud service. It is child's play for someone to access your own desktop computer, so how 'secure' do you really think cloud storage can be?

And if you don't believe me, read that second linked article, to see Microsoft worked with the FBI, to allow the NSA easier PRISM access to SkyDrive. Are you one of the 250,000,000 Microsoft customers using SkyDrive? I make a motion the service be renamed to SpyDrive.

Since Microsoft purchased Skype, the NSA is boasting it has tripled the number of Skype video calls it has collected via PRISM.

And if you think this cannot be happening to you, let me just tell you it has already been happening. And the NSA is happily sharing data it has collected about you and your loved ones with agencies such as the FBI and the CIA. One NSA document refers to this sharing as being akin to a 'team sport'.

And look how Big Brother is handling Eric Snowden, because they allege he violated THEIR privacy. :rolleyes:

And for the government to say this is all in the interest of national security? How secure was the Boston Marathon?

Just a quick reminder that I am always available for assisting any of you who are interested in running Linux on your computers.
Here are some steps everyone should be taking, at this point -

1. Ditch Windows and OS X. Get as far away from proprietary operating systems as you can do.

2. Ditch Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Apple's Safari and Google Chrome. Get away from them. Install Mozilla Firefox.

3. Be mindful that Firefox uses Google search as its out-of-the-tin standard search, so replace it with an alternative search. DuckDuckGo is really gaining traction, so it would likely be the best bet for most people.

4. Ditch all of the Google, Bing and Apple maps, in favor of OpenStreetMap.

5. No more AIM, Google Talk or Yahoo Messenger. Use Pidgin, which is an excellent open-source chat program. One caveat - Pidgin will store passwords in clear text, so do not store passwords in it.

6. Lose Skype and FaceTime. Use something like Jitsi or Mumble, instead.

7. When it comes to social networks, such as Facebook, MySpace, Tumblr, etc, remember you are posting to the world when you use those services. I don't imagine the government cares if you are dining at a particular restaurant, but the petty thieves in your geographical area likely enjoy knowing when you are not at home to protect what is yours. If you absolutely must use these services, think before you post.

8. Toss all your freebie e-mail services out the window and drive away at top speed. If you absolutely must use Web-based mail, take a look at RiseUp, which is a new startup that is promising privacy. I am waiting for my RiseUp account to be approved and when it is, I will have invitation codes for those of you I know well. As you can see RiseaUp is not going to be another madhouse e-mail provider.

9. No more of that Outlook or Apple Mail stuff. Just get Thunderbird and install it. I recommend Enigmail for its OpenPGP encryption technology, but it is only effective when both parties in an e-mail are running it. This is another of those areas where Linux users have the advabtage, as they can use an array of e-mail clients, such as Kontact, Claws Mail, Evolution, Icedove, etc.

People, your online activities are only going to be as private as you choose to make them. If you have no problem with Uncle Sam knowing all of your online activities, then plug on with what you have been doing. But if you are wanting to send a family member a confidential e-mail, you better start looking at placing some locks on your doors. I know you still feel panic setting in when someone mentions using an alternative operating system, but if you just try Linux via the Live environment (without making ANY permanent changes to your computer), you will see just how easy it is to run Linux.
Very good info, I am on one of "those" sites and if your not my friend you dont see jack squat cause its all locked. And yes i randomly check it with someone that is not cleared.
A. I do not have any "personal" info on my computer.
B. If the N.S.A. is wasting time on seeing what I look at ... who cares?
C If you think there is ANY way that you can stop the gooberment from doing whatever they want , I can sell you a tropical paradise in Canada !!!

A. I do not have any "personal" info on my computer.
That is the best way to have things, but I imagine there is more there than you realize. E-mails to friends, e-mails to family members, e-mails to businesses I partner with, browser cache history, etc., are all things I consider to be 'personal'. I agree none of it could be confused as state secrets, but having once been unfairly targeted by the authorities in four different countries, I don't care to have anyone looking over my shoulder any longer.

As for not caring if someone is violating our privacy, my only question is at what point will you decide the "gooberment" has stripped away enough of your personal liberties? At what -point will you stand up and say, "Enough is enough?" Do you think that will be in time to actually make a difference, or will it already be too late? Maybe it is already too late??

Dave, believe me, I've no problem if people want to accept invasions of their privacy. So, please, do not take issue with those of us who do consider it a problem, aye? Fair enough?

Now, about that tropical paradise - something up near Thunder Bay, perhaps? ;)
Thunder Bay ...I was thinking further north :whistling: Anywho , at this point in my life ,w/more than likely not a lot of time left on the planet , other things take priority , mainly family ! I think all of us have had times where we've "tilted at windmills" but upon realizing just how short our visit here is , what's important [or not] takes on different meaning , & trying to do something that is ultimately impossible slides way down the "importance" list !!!
There used to be a law about encryption. To legally use it in the US, the US had to be able to break it, or have the ability to bypass it.

Ever read any of the agreements when you use some encryption software?

I am not sure if that is still in effect, but it was in the past.
I can see this coming already. . Some drunk will run a light and pile into the side of you and they will say it is your fault because your black box said you were going 10 mph over the posted speed limit.
Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner! I agree, this is going to create problems, the likes of which you cannot imagine.

And if the scenario you described does not come true, how will your local vampire insurance company respond to you driving over the speed limit?
I can see this coming already. . Some drunk will run a light and pile into the side of you and they will say it is your fault because your black box said you were going 10 mph over the posted speed limit.

In Michigan we have No Fault insurance. A year and a half ago some ding dong decided he didn't need to stop for that red octagon sign and come to a stop on the side of my car. He got the ticket and my rates went up. I'll never figure that one out. Talk about the black box and big brother watching us, how about The Progressive insurance company offering to take a snap shot of your driving habits for better rates through a plug in device? I think not!!
And, as if things were not bad enough, the flipping knucklehead has decided to reverse his position on SOPA.

Obama task force revives SOPA provision outlawing online streaming

It is pretty clear they are going to keep re-rolling this rubbish until they find a way to ramrod it down our throats. Or up our bums, which seems more accurate.

And can we imagine McCain getting involved, in yet another failed attempt to overcome his failed Presidential bid? Now there is a toothless, old dog who needs to stay on the porch.
I don't know how many of you have been following the story on the sudden closing of Lavabit, an encrypted e-mail service provider, but I strongly recommend you do so.

There is hardly a day go by where a forum member or prospective forum member does not ask me what e-mail service I recommend for their use. Perhaps the advice Ladar Levison offered his 400,000+ customers, on the day he shut down Lavabit, is the best advice anyone can offer.

"...without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States."

See where the Patriot Act has led us?

Within 8 hours of Lavabit's announcement, another encrypted e-mail service, Silent Circle, closed its doors.

If these encrypted e-mail service providers are receiving National Security Letters, which come packaged with their very own gag orders, by the way, there is reasonable expectation your e-mail provider is not being watched. I know there are those of you who feel this is no big deal, but this kind if snooping is tantamount to government agencies looking into every private aspect of your life. Are you using e-mail to communicate with loved ones? Remember your messages are being scrutinized. Are you using e-mail to conduct business with others? Remember your messages are being scrutinized. And for those who choose to meekly accept those levels of scrutiny, ask yourselves how many times you have used this forum's Personal Conversation function to convey information, when you could have posted it to the open forums, just as easily. When you mail payment for your household bills, do you enclose invoices and checks into envelopes, or do you just toss them in the mail where anyone can see them? Whilst relaxing in your own home, do you close the blinds/curtains? For that matter, do you even lock your own doors? Let's be honest and admit private forms of communication have been developed and used for a specific purpose.

In the wake of Lavabit's Ladar Levison saying he has stopped using e-mail for all communication, and that if we knew what he knows, we would stop using it as well, Pamela Jones has shut down the Groklaw site.

What is more alarming to me is that we are seeing the face of the Internet being changed, likely forever, yet no one is doing anything to stop what is happening. This is just one more case of people willingly giving up personal liberties without a fight. I wonder when we will finally reach the breaking point, and say enough is enough. Or if it is already too late for that to happen.
If trash cans can spy on you what else is out there? If I think about it too much I will not be able to sleep any more. Keeping the head down as much as possible and looking for the people that might be able to help in 14 & 16 if there are any left out there that are willing to be set up for all the crap that goes with public office

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