Mr T Bucket
That the wife got to drive it first. Well, I wouldn't really say "drive it". I mean, the steering column wasn't attached to anything but the u-joint on the box, there's no brakes, the block has no crank in it, etc. But she did get to steer it down the driveway and out into the street. A friend of mine came over Friday night and we moved all the pieces from my family room into the garage and then yesterday a couple of us put the block and transmision in. Course, we just had to put the headers on. This was the first time seeing it on level ground and the first time it's been past the middle of the driveway, LOL.
The back wheels are not my final choice. The canvas for the top is a mock-up piece.
One or two things I want to tweak, lots of things needing finished, but overall, I'm really pleased with the stance, the look and the basic feel of how everything has come together. Only taken 9 (almost 10) years to get this far. Maybe this time next year it'll be rolling on its own. We placed a rad shell on it and I clamped a headlight and stand to the frame last night. We just couldn't stop giggling, it looked so mean.
The back wheels are not my final choice. The canvas for the top is a mock-up piece.

One or two things I want to tweak, lots of things needing finished, but overall, I'm really pleased with the stance, the look and the basic feel of how everything has come together. Only taken 9 (almost 10) years to get this far. Maybe this time next year it'll be rolling on its own. We placed a rad shell on it and I clamped a headlight and stand to the frame last night. We just couldn't stop giggling, it looked so mean.