I stumbled into the members directory a few minutes ago and discovered I had a message I hadn't responded to since last August.
Then I wondered what the "12" was next to my name at the top of the entry page.
When I clicked in it, I discoved it was for 12 unread messages. Oh schnit!
Gentelmen, I aplolgize for not responding. I'll read the notes and respond.
I wasn't try to snub anyone's comments, I guess I just don't pay attention as I should......... Hmmm, I think I heard that in the fifth grade.
I do remember my fifth grade teacher telling me. "The day will come when you'll want to know the alphabet."
Then I wondered what the "12" was next to my name at the top of the entry page.
When I clicked in it, I discoved it was for 12 unread messages. Oh schnit!
Gentelmen, I aplolgize for not responding. I'll read the notes and respond.
I wasn't try to snub anyone's comments, I guess I just don't pay attention as I should......... Hmmm, I think I heard that in the fifth grade.
I do remember my fifth grade teacher telling me. "The day will come when you'll want to know the alphabet."