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Life Expectancy Calculator


Active Member
Your Virtual Age is a reflection of your health and vitality.
The lower your Virtual Age the better shape you are in.
It is used to calculate the Life Expectancy of someone of your current physical age.

Life Expectancy Calculator

My Numbers:
Biological age 66
Virtual age 47.3
Life expectancy 98.7
Bio age 56
Virtual age 46.5
life exp. 86.5

If this pans out, I guess I should wait till 67 to file for social security.
I got a whopping 70.8 life expectancy. That sucks... I'm only 44 (soon to be 45) at the rate SSI increaces the retirement age, I'll be dead LONG before I'll be able to collect any of what I have paid in... that's if there is any $$$ left.

What I need to do is fall off the truck at work... Scream "OUCH... My neck!!!!" and collect a nice fat disability check, LOL!!!

I can't do that either... I'm too damb honest!!!

seems to be I'm dead already :eek:

Not really......91.3 If I knew I'd live this long I'd taken better care of myself....
Well it seems there are a few more years left of bucket driving

Bio age 60

Virtual 55.7

Expectancy 82
Well i have got 35 years left IF the warden doesnt kill me in my sleep. She watches the lifetime channel a lot.
Bio age 67
Virtual age 50
Life expect. 98

Calculator seems to be pretty acurate. Dad died 3 wks short of 92; Mom at 89. I had a nuclear stress test last wk. Heart of a 45 yr old and no blockage. Probable get hit by a train next wk. LOL:lol::D:lol:
Here is mine

Biological age 50
Virtual age 44.2
Life expectancy 81.8

Bio Age 33
Virtual Age 40.1
Your Life Expectancy 66.9

I'm middle aged. :eek:
Best news all week, I can expect another 30 years and I feel like 18 years younger.once in a while. I went to my 50 HS reunion and said who are all those old fat people.... mabe I Will get all those projects in the shop done.
real age 55
calculated age 43!
Life expectancy 89!
now I'm worried because I feel 89 already.Building and driving a model T isn't a "Hi Risk" hobby right?
Real age 47 will die at 85
Why do most married men die before their wives? Because they want to!
Leon renaud said:
Building and driving a model T isn't a "Hi Risk" hobby right?

Nope, either is riding a motorcycle. :D
I took the test for life expectancy calculator , by the results I have a lot of days for driving and enjoying my ''T'' I Hope it is right.:ciao::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
real age 43 their age lifestyle corrected, 31
Should make 87 which is about right to a little low for my family...

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